Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Manaus
If you are living or residing in Manaus and planning a trip to Mexico, you may want to know
the address, phone or office hours of the Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Manaus.
This information is for:
- Brazilian passport holders living in Manaus
- Mexican passports traveling/working or living in Manaus
- Foreign passports currently residing in Manaus
Honorary Consulate Information
Address: | Rua Fortaleza 585 Adrianópolis Cep. 69057-080 Manaus |
Phone: | +55 92 3042 5050 |
Fax: | |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | https://embamex.sre.gob.mx/brasil/index.php/otras-representaciones/honorarios |
Office hours: | |
Current time in Manaus | 07:34 AM Sunday, February 02 2025-02-02 (GMT -0500) |
Current time in Mexico | 04:34 AM Sunday, February 02 2025-02-02 (GMT -0800) |
Fast Facts:
- Distance: The distance between Manaus and Mexico City is 5476.31 km (3402.82 miles). The average travel time is 11 hours 24 minutes.
- Time difference: Manaus is 2:00 hours ahead of Mexico City. When the time is 23:22 on November, Sunday 17 in Manaus, it is 21:22 on November, Sunday 17 in Mexico City
Map and Directions
Get directions to the Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Manaus.
Distance from city center
1.22 km ( 0.76 miles)
Nearest airport
Eduardo Gomes International Airport (MAO)
Distance to airport
9.66 kms
Office Hours
Date | Office hours | Note |
Sunday (Today, November 17, 2024) | Closed | |
Monday (November 18, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Tuesday (November 19, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Wednesday (November 20, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Thursday (November 21, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Friday (November 22, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Saturday (November 23, 2024) | Closed |
Frequently asked questions, answered
1. Where is the honorary consulate of Mexico located?
It is located at Rua Fortaleza 585 Adrianópolis Cep. 69057-080 Manaus. Coordinates: (-60.01081649999999, -3.1107376).
2. How do I contact the Mexico Honorary Consulate in Manaus?
You can contact the honorary consulate by phone at: +55 92 3042 5050. The working hours are from Monday to Friday 08:00 - 17:00 except official holidays in Mexico and Brazil.
3. Is the honorary consulate open now?
No, it is closed now. The current time in Manaus is 07:34.
Do you need a travel visa?
This is NOT the official website of the Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Manaus.
This website is for informational/reference purposes only.
Today’s Forecast
7.38°C | ||
Humidity | 76% | |
Wind | 2.06 km/h | |
Sunrise | 12:31 PM |
Useful Information
1.22 km ( 0.76 miles) from city center
Nearby landmarks
Museu de Minerais e Rochas Carlos Isotta
1.03 km
Museu Ivan Ferreira Valente
1.72 km
Estação da Castelhana
1.84 km
Cinépolis Millenium Shopping
2.21 km
Cine Oscarito
2.24 km
Jardim Botânico Adolpho Ducke de Manaus
2.29 km
Museu Amazônico
2.30 km
Academia Amazonense de Letras
2.32 km
Grupo de Estudos Euclides da Cunha
2.33 km
Memorial Professor Rui Alencar
2.35 km
Banks & ATMs
298 m
Banco do Brasil
440 m
Caixa Econômica Federal
522 m
629 m
840 m
878 m