Consulate General of Laos in Hong Kong

If you are living or residing in Hong Kong and planning a trip to Laos, you may want to know the address, phone or office hours of the Consulate General of Laos in Hong Kong.

This information is for:

  • Chinese passport holders living in Hong Kong
  • Laotian passports traveling/working or living in Hong Kong
  • Foreign passports currently residing in Hong Kong

Consulate General Information

Address: Room 1402, 14Th Floor, Arion Conmercial Centre, 2-12 Queen'S Road West, Sheung Wan, Hongkong
Phone: +852 2544 1186 /1129
Fax: +852 2544 1187
Email: [email protected]
Office hours:
Current time in Hong Kong 05:00 AM Friday, March 14 2025-03-14 (GMT +0800)
Current time in Laos 04:00 AM Friday, March 14 2025-03-14 (GMT +0700)

Fast Facts:

  • Distance: The distance between Hong Kong and Vientiane is 1242.90 km (772.30 miles). The average travel time is 2 hours 35 minutes.
  • Time difference: Hong Kong is 1:00 hours ahead of Vientiane. When the time is 10:57 on November, Monday 18 in Hong Kong, it is 09:57 on November, Monday 18 in Vientiane

Map and Directions

show map
Get directions to the Consulate General of Laos in Hong Kong.
Distance from city center 3.91 km ( 2.43 miles)
Nearest airport Hong Kong International Airport (HKG)
Distance to airport 22.03 kms

Office Hours

Date Office hours Note
Sunday (Today, November 17, 2024) Closed
Monday (November 18, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Tuesday (November 19, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Wednesday (November 20, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Thursday (November 21, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Friday (November 22, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Saturday (November 23, 2024) Closed

Frequently asked questions, answered

1. Where is the consulate general of Laos located?

It is located at Room 1402, 14Th Floor, Arion Conmercial Centre, 2-12 Queen'S Road West, Sheung Wan, Hongkong. Coordinates: (114.1483669, 22.2863159).

2. How do I contact the Laos Consulate General in Hong Kong?

You can contact the consulate general by phone at: +852 2544 1186 /1129. The working hours are from Monday to Friday: 09:00-12:00 and 13:30-17:00 except official holidays in Laos and China.

3. Is the consulate general open now?

No, it is closed now. The current time in Hong Kong is 05:00.

Do you need a travel visa?


This is NOT the official website of the Consulate General of Laos in Hong Kong. This website is for informational/reference purposes only.

Today’s Forecast

The weather today in Hong Kong:
Humidity 76%
Wind 2.06 km/h
Sunrise 12:31 PM

Useful Information

SITE MAP map point
3.91 km ( 2.43 miles) from city center
Nearby landmarks
No. 1 Queen's Road West 40 m
Ko Shing Theatre 206 m
Liang Yi Museum 225 m
the jervois 259 m
COSCO Tower 496 m
Azura 497 m
Eastern Street Methadone Clinic 538 m
Grand Millennium Plaza II 546 m
The Center 650 m
207 Des Voeux Road West 661 m
Hong Kong Hotel 1.14 km
the landmark mandarin oriental hong kong 1.17 km
Murray Building 1.51 km
gateway hotel, marco polo 2.45 km
Mariner's Club 2.83 km
eaton hk 3.39 km
Banks & ATMs
HSBC Des Voeux Road West Branch 185 m
Hang Seng Bank 207 m
ICBC 250 m
Dah Sing Bank 267 m
HSBC Sheung Wan Branch 286 m
Ngau Kee Money Changer 332 m
Shanghai Commercial Bank 372 m
Bank of China 386 m