Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Salvador

If you are living or residing in Salvador and planning a trip to Denmark, you may want to know the address, phone or office hours of the Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Salvador.

This information is for:

  • Brazilian passport holders living in Salvador
  • Danish passports traveling/working or living in Salvador
  • Foreign passports currently residing in Salvador

Honorary Consulate Information

Address: Av. Estados Unidos N. 18-B 8 Andar, Edf. Estados Unidos 40010-020 Salvador - Ba Brazil
Phone: +55 (71) 243 8825
Fax: +55 (71) 243 3125
Email: [email protected]
Office hours:
Current time in Salvador 07:32 AM Sunday, February 02 2025-02-02 (GMT -0500)
Current time in Denmark 08:32 AM Sunday, February 02 2025-02-02 (GMT -0400)

Fast Facts:

  • Distance: The distance between Salvador and Copenhagen is 8864.34 km (5508.05 miles). The average travel time is 18 hours 28 minutes.
  • Time difference: Salvador is 4:00 hours behind Copenhagen. When the time is 00:16 on November, Monday 18 in Salvador, it is 04:16 on November, Monday 18 in Copenhagen

Map and Directions

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Get directions to the Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Salvador.
Distance from city center 3.37 km ( 2.09 miles)
Nearest airport Deputado Luis Eduardo Magalhaes International Airport (SSA)
Distance to airport 19.82 kms

Office Hours

Date Office hours Note
Sunday (Today, November 17, 2024) Closed
Monday (November 18, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Tuesday (November 19, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Wednesday (November 20, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Thursday (November 21, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Friday (November 22, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Saturday (November 23, 2024) Closed

Frequently asked questions, answered

1. Where is the honorary consulate of Denmark located?

It is located at Av. Estados Unidos N. 18-B 8 Andar, Edf. Estados Unidos 40010-020 Salvador - Ba Brazil. Coordinates: (-38.5096255, -12.9677087).

2. How do I contact the Denmark Honorary Consulate in Salvador?

You can contact the honorary consulate by phone at: +55 (71) 243 8825. The working hours are from 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00 except official holidays in Denmark and Brazil.

3. Is the honorary consulate open now?

No, it is closed now. The current time in Salvador is 07:32.

Do you need a travel visa?


This is NOT the official website of the Honorary Consulate of Denmark in Salvador. This website is for informational/reference purposes only.

Today’s Forecast

The weather today in Salvador:
Humidity 76%
Wind 2.06 km/h
Sunrise 12:31 PM

Useful Information

SITE MAP map point
3.37 km ( 2.09 miles) from city center
Nearby landmarks
Museu do Cacau 95 m
Edifício-sede do Instituto do Cacau da Bahia 107 m
Museu du Ritmo 123 m
Mercado do Ouro 149 m
Conjunto Urbano e Arquitetônico da Cidade Baixa de Salvador 259 m
Memorial do Meio Ambiente Professor Milton Santos 282 m
Merchants' Exchange Building of Bahia 295 m
hotel cruz do pascoal 303 m
House of the Seven Deaths 305 m
Casa do Benin 327 m
Edifício A Tarde 1.13 km
Banks & ATMs
Itaú 355 m
Bradesco 363 m
Banco do Nordeste 385 m
Santander 425 m
Branco24Horas 580 m
Caixa Econômica Federal 594 m
Facta 692 m
Banco do Brasil 721 m