Embassies in Hong Kong

63 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 63 diplomatic missions based in the city of Hong Kong, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Hong Kong


2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Egypt Consulate General +852 2827 0668 / +852 2827 0952
Nigeria Consulate General (852) 2827 8813


17 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Bangladesh Consulate General +852 2827 4278 / 9
Brunei Consulate General + (852) 2592 3900 / 2592 3917 & 2592 3918
Cambodia Consulate General +852 2546 0718
India Consulate General +852 3970 9900
Indonesia Consulate General + 852 3651 0200
Japan Consulate General +852 2522 1184
Kazakhstan Consulate General +852 2548 3841
Laos Consulate General +852 2544 1186 /1129
Malaysia Consulate General + 852 2821 0800
Mongolia Consulate General +852 25222400
Myanmar Consulate General +852 2845 0810 and +852 2845 0811
Nepal Consulate General + 852 2369 7813
Philippines Consulate General (+852) 2823-8501
Singapore Consulate General +852 2527 2212
South Korea Consulate General (+852)2529-4141
Thailand Consulate General (852) 2521-6481 to 5
Vietnam Consulate General (+852) 25 914 510 / 25 914 517

Central America and Caribbean

5 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Bahamas Honorary Consulate + 852 2619 6421
Cuba Consulate (+852) 2525 6320
Dominican Republic Consulate (+852) 2521-2801
Grenada Honorary Consulate +852 3656 2777
Panama Consulate General +852 2545-2166


25 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate General +852 2522 80 86
Belgium Consulate General +852 252 431 11
Croatia Consulate + 852 2528-4975
Czech Republic Consulate General +852 280 222 12
Finland Consulate General +852 2525 5385
France Consulate General +852 3752 9900
Germany Honorary Consulate +86 010 8532 9202
Greece Consulate General + 852 2774 1682
Hungary Consulate General +852 2878 7555
Iceland Honorary Consulate (+852) 2983 1558 / (+852) 62 917 400
Ireland Consulate General +852 2535 0700
Italy Consulate (852) 25220033/4/5
Latvia Honorary Consulate +852 2877 5638
Luxembourg Honorary Consulate (+852) 3621 0979
Malta Honorary Consulate (+852) 2739 2611
Netherlands Consulate General +85 225 999 200
Norway Honorary Consulate + 852 2546 9881
Poland Consulate General (+852) 2840 0779 / 0804
Portugal Honorary Consulate +8 52 2587 71 82
Romania Consulate General +852 2523 3813
Slovenia Consulate +85 225 452 107
Spain Consulate General +852 252 53 041 / 2 / +852 9031 7246 (Emergency)
Sweden Consulate General +852 2521 1212
Switzerland Consulate General +852 3509 5000
Turkey Consulate General +852 2572 1331 / +852 2572 0275

Middle East

4 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Iran Consulate General (+852) 2845 8002
Israel Consulate General +852-2821 7500
Kuwait Consulate General +852 2832 7866
Qatar Consulate General +85 237 698 383

North America

3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Consulate General +85 (2) 3719 4700
Mexico Consulate General +852 2511 3305
United States Consulate General (852) 2523-9011 /(852) 2841-2211


2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Australia Consulate General +852 2827 8881
New Zealand Consulate General +852 2525 5044

South America

5 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Argentina Consulate General + 852 2523 3208
Brazil Consulate General +852 2525 7004
Chile Consulate General (852) 2827 1826 / (852) 2827 1748
Colombia Consulate General +852 2545 8547
Peru Consulate General +852 2868 2622

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong currently boasts about 63 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.