Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Trieste
If you are living or residing in Trieste and planning a trip to Belgium, you may want to know
the address, phone or office hours of the Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Trieste.
This information is for:
- Italian passport holders living in Trieste
- Belgian passports traveling/working or living in Trieste
- Foreign passports currently residing in Trieste
Honorary Consulate Information
Address: | Via S. Giovanni Bosco, 5 34144 Trieste Italy |
Phone: | +39 040 361 934 |
Fax: | +39 040 639 682 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | |
Office hours: | |
Current time in Trieste | 13:35 PM Sunday, February 02 2025-02-02 (GMT +0100) |
Current time in Belgium | 13:35 PM Sunday, February 02 2025-02-02 (GMT +0100) |
Fast Facts:
- Distance: The distance between Trieste and Brussels is 880.24 km (546.95 miles). The average travel time is 1 hours 50 minutes.
- Time difference: Trieste is is same date and time Brussels. When the time is 03:51 on November, Monday 18 in Trieste, it is 03:51 on November, Monday 18 in Brussels
Map and Directions
Get directions to the Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Trieste.
Distance from city center
2.01 km ( 1.25 miles)
Nearest airport
Trieste - Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport (TRS)
Distance to airport
30.70 kms
Office Hours
Date | Office hours | Note |
Sunday (Today, November 17, 2024) | Closed | |
Monday (November 18, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Tuesday (November 19, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Wednesday (November 20, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Thursday (November 21, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Friday (November 22, 2024) | 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00 | |
Saturday (November 23, 2024) | Closed |
Frequently asked questions, answered
1. Where is the honorary consulate of Belgium located?
It is located at Via S. Giovanni Bosco, 5 34144 Trieste Italy. Coordinates: (13.78016, 45.63648).
2. How do I contact the Belgium Honorary Consulate in Trieste?
You can contact the honorary consulate by phone at: +39 040 361 934. The working hours are from except official holidays in Belgium and Italy.
3. Is the honorary consulate open now?
No, it is closed now. The current time in Trieste is 13:35.
Do you need a travel visa?
This is NOT the official website of the Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Trieste.
This website is for informational/reference purposes only.
Today’s Forecast
7.38°C | ||
Humidity | 76% | |
Wind | 2.06 km/h | |
Sunrise | 12:31 PM |
Useful Information
2.01 km ( 1.25 miles) from city center
Nearby landmarks
Museo Casa di Osiride Brovedani
661 m
Museo e archivio degli sloveni in Italia
946 m
Museo etnografico di Servola
1.29 km
Museo del presepio della tradizione presepistica triestina
1.43 km
Civic Museum of History and Art of Trieste
1.50 km
Museo sveviano
1.51 km
Cinema Filodrammatico
1.51 km
Ancient Roman architecture in Trieste
1.54 km
Museo petrarchesco piccolomineo
1.67 km
Palazzo Brambilla Morpurgo
1.67 km
Benediktinski samostan sv. Nikolaja Ankaran
7.43 km
Banks & ATMs
CryptoLocalATM C/o Lop Store Extreme Vape Trieste
612 m
UniCredit Bank
770 m
837 m
Popular Bank of Vicena
882 m