Consulate of Austria in Belo Horizonte

If you are living or residing in Belo Horizonte and planning a trip to Austria, you may want to know the address, phone or office hours of the Consulate of Austria in Belo Horizonte.

This information is for:

  • Brazilian passport holders living in Belo Horizonte
  • Austrian passports traveling/working or living in Belo Horizonte
  • Foreign passports currently residing in Belo Horizonte

Consulate Information

Address: Rua Dr Jose Americo Cancado Bahia, 199 - Cidade Industrial - Contagem Cep-32210-130
Phone: +55 31 3333 5363
Fax: +55 31 3333 1046
Email: [email protected]
Office hours:
Current time in Belo Horizonte 21:39 PM Wednesday, January 22 2025-01-22 (GMT -0500)
Current time in Austria 03:39 AM Thursday, January 23 2025-01-23 (GMT +0100)

Fast Facts:

  • Distance: The distance between Belo Horizonte and Vienna is 9474.96 km (5887.47 miles). The average travel time is 19 hours 44 minutes.
  • Time difference: Belo Horizonte is 4:00 hours behind Vienna. When the time is 00:17 on November, Monday 18 in Belo Horizonte, it is 04:17 on November, Monday 18 in Vienna

Map and Directions

show map
Get directions to the Consulate of Austria in Belo Horizonte.
Distance from city center 8.95 km ( 5.56 miles)
Nearest airport Pampulha Airport (PLU)
Distance to airport 13.72 kms

Office Hours

Date Office hours Note
Sunday (Today, November 17, 2024) Closed
Monday (November 18, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Tuesday (November 19, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Wednesday (November 20, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Thursday (November 21, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Friday (November 22, 2024) 09:00 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Saturday (November 23, 2024) Closed

Frequently asked questions, answered

1. Where is the consulate of Austria located?

It is located at Rua Dr Jose Americo Cancado Bahia, 199 - Cidade Industrial - Contagem Cep-32210-130. Coordinates: (-44.020233, -19.9557639).

2. How do I contact the Austria Consulate in Belo Horizonte?

You can contact the consulate by phone at: +55 31 3333 5363. The working hours are from Monday-Friday 09.00 - 11.00 except official holidays in Austria and Brazil.

3. Is the consulate open now?

No, it is closed now. The current time in Belo Horizonte is 21:39.

Do you need a travel visa?


This is NOT the official website of the Consulate of Austria in Belo Horizonte. This website is for informational/reference purposes only.

Today’s Forecast

The weather today in Belo Horizonte:
Humidity 76%
Wind 2.06 km/h
Sunrise 12:31 PM

Useful Information

SITE MAP map point
8.95 km ( 5.56 miles) from city center
Nearby landmarks
Casa da Cultura Nair Mendes Moreira - Museu Histórico de Contagem 4.40 km
Museu Histórico de Ciências da Fundação Ezequiel Dias 4.59 km
Natural Sciences Museum of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais 4.91 km
Museu de Ciências Naturais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas 4.91 km
Cineart Paragem 5.74 km
Museu dos Quilombos e Favelas Urbanos 6.31 km
House of Porcelain Shards 7.30 km
Sala Minas Gerais 7.36 km
Museu da Polícia Civil do Estado de Minas Gerais 7.75 km
Inconfidência Palace 7.79 km
Banks & ATMs
Bradesco 324 m
Santander 327 m
Banco Itaú 651 m
Banco do Brasil 746 m
Itaú 746 m