Embassies in Tashkent
50 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 50 diplomatic missions based in the city of Tashkent, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Tashkent
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | +9-98-71-134-1774; +9-98-71-135-1392 |
Egypt | Embassy | +998 71 120 50 08 |
South Africa | Consulate | +998 71 137 0170 |
18 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Afghanistan | Embassy | +998 71 226 7380 and +998 71 140 4132 |
Azerbaijan | Embassy | +998 71 207 80 10 |
Bangladesh | Consulate General | +998 712 55 6520, +998 71255 1971 |
China | Embassy | |
Georgia | Embassy | +998 71 235 8680 |
India | Embassy | +998 71 140 09 83 |
Indonesia | Embassy | + 998 71 132 0236 |
Japan | Embassy | +998 71 120 80 61 |
Kazakhstan | Embassy | +998 71 236 09 86 |
Kyrgyzstan | Embassy | +998 71 237 4794 and +998 71 237 4793 |
Malaysia | Embassy | + 998 71 254 0961 |
Mongolia | Honorary Consulate | +998-71-217-45-16 and +998.97 331 38 20 |
Pakistan | Embassy | +998 (71) 230 9860 and +998 (71) 230 9861 |
South Korea | Embassy | +99871-252-3151~3 and +998-90-029-6963 |
Tajikistan | Embassy | +998 71 254 99 66 |
Thailand | Honorary Consulate | +99 871 233 3322 mobile +99 893 1817 753 |
Turkmenistan | Embassy | + 998 71256-94-02 |
Vietnam | Embassy | +9987 1134 0393 |
21 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Belarus | Embassy | + 998 78 120 75 11 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +998 71 150 85 95 and +998 93 387 02 10 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | +998 71 256 48 88 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +998 71 120 6071, +998 71 120 55 21 |
France | Embassy | +998 71 232 8100 and +998 71 233 5382 |
Germany | Embassy | +998 71 120 84 40 |
Hungary | Embassy | +998 71 1331189 |
Italy | Embassy | + 00998712521119|00998712521120 |
Latvia | Embassy | +998 71 237 22 15 |
Netherlands | Honorary Consulate | +99 871 150 8595, +99 893 387 0210 |
Poland | Embassy | +998 78 120 86 50 |
Romania | Embassy | + 998 71 252.63 55 |
Russia | Embassy | +998 71 120 35 04 |
Slovakia | Embassy | +998 781206852 |
Slovenia | Consulate General | +99 871 232 2049 |
Spain | Consulate General | +998 71 140 57 00 / 1 |
Sweden | Consulate | +998 71 152 11 02 and +998 93 184 15 00 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +998 78 120 67 38 |
Turkey | Embassy | + 998-71 113 03 00 |
Ukraine | Embassy | + 998-71-233-52-80 and + 998-71-233-99-71 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +998 78 120 1500 |
Middle East
6 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Iran | Embassy | +998 71 2686968 |
Israel | Embassy | +998 71 1407 500 |
Jordan | Embassy | +998 712 746 483 and +998 712 742 479 |
Kuwait | Embassy | +998 71 120 58 88 |
Saudi Arabia | Embassy | +998712815101 and +998712815104 |
United Arab Emirates | Embassy | +998711400007 and +998711401117 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Consulate | +998 (71) 252-1005 |
United States | Embassy | +998 781205450 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Tashkent?
Tashkent currently boasts about 50 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.