Embassies in Edinburgh

30 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 30 diplomatic missions based in the city of Edinburgh, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Edinburgh


3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
China Consulate General
India Consulate General +44 131 229 2144
Japan Consulate General + 0131 225 4777


23 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate +44 131 618 2819
Belgium Honorary Consulate (+44) (1968) 679.969 and +44 7970 463 917
Czech Republic Honorary Consulate +44 131 4479 509
Denmark Honorary Consulate +44 131 220 0300
Finland Honorary General Consulate
France Consulate General + 44 131 225 7954
Germany Consulate +44 131 337 2323
Greece Honorary Consulate + 44 131 6205496
Hungary Consulate General +44 1620 850264
Iceland Honorary Consulate +44 (0131) 467 7777
Ireland Consulate +44 131 226 7711
Italy Consulate General +00441312203695|00441312263631
Latvia Honorary Consulate +44 7785 318 056
Luxembourg Honorary Consulate +44 131 270 3001
Poland Consulate General +44 131 552 0301
Romania Consulate General +44 (0) 131 524 9498
Russia Consulate General +44 131 225 7098
Slovenia Consulate General +44 131 337 5167
Spain Consulate General +44 131 220 1843
Sweden Honorary Consulate +44 131 242 5588
Switzerland Consulate General +44 131 5589 402
Turkey Consulate General +44 131 2859 282
Ukraine Consulate +44 (0) 131 556 0023

North America

2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Consular Office 0330 500 1224
United States Consulate General [44] (0)131-556-8315


2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Australia Embassy +44 131 228 4771
New Zealand Embassy +44 131 222 8109

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Edinburgh?

Edinburgh currently boasts about 30 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.