Embassies in Bangkok
103 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 103 diplomatic missions based in the city of Bangkok, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Bangkok
18 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Benin | Consulate General | (+66) 2249-8633 - 42 |
Burkina Faso | Consulate General | +66 2 261 1000 |
Egypt | Embassy | +66 2 726 9831 |
Eritrea | Consulate General | +66 2374-4029 |
Gabon | Consulate General | (+66) 2279-2800 / 1 |
Gambia | Consulate General | (+66) 2224-0091 |
Kenya | Embassy | +66 2 712 5721 / +66 2 185 3679 |
Libya | Embassy | +66 2 681 1995 |
Madagascar | Honorary Consulate | (+66) 2 634 5838 / (+66) 88 961 6178 |
Morocco | Embassy | (66) 2 679 5604/05/06 |
Mozambique | Consulate General | +66 2268-1681 / 2 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +66 2711 3076 / 8 |
Seychelles | Consulate General | +66 (0) 2-9392 923 / 2-9392 925 |
South Africa | Embassy | +66 2 092 2900 |
Sudan | Consulate General | +662 002 6742 |
Tunisia | Consulate General | (+66) 08 6341 1375 |
Uganda | Consulate General | (+66) 26 3880 11 / (+66) 26 3880 30 |
Zimbabwe | Consulate General | +66 2382 1560 |
23 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Armenia | Consulate | +66 2 236 2594 |
Bangladesh | Embassy | +66 (0)2 390 5107 to 8 |
Bhutan | Embassy | +66 2 274 4740 / 41/ 42 |
Brunei | Embassy | +66 2 714 7395 / 714 7396 / 714 7397 / 714 7398 / 714 7399 |
Cambodia | Embassy | (66) 02-957-5851 / (66) 02-957-5852 extend 101,103 |
China | Embassy | 0066-2-2450 888 |
Georgia | Consulate General | +66 2260-0908 |
India | Embassy | 02 2580 300 / 6 |
Indonesia | Embassy | (66-2) 2523135 / 40 |
Japan | Embassy | +66 2 207 8500 / 66-2-696-3000 |
Kazakhstan | Embassy | +66 2 254 3043 / 5 |
Laos | Embassy | (+66) 2539-66679 / 8 |
Malaysia | Embassy | +66 2 629 6800 |
Maldives | Consulate General | +099 070 4405 |
Mongolia | Embassy | +66-(0)-2168-8599 |
Myanmar | Embassy | (662) 233 2237 / (662) 233 7250 / (662) 234 4698 / (662) 237 7744 |
Nepal | Embassy | +662 3902 280 / +662 3917 240 |
Pakistan | Embassy | (+662) 2530 288, (+662) 2530 289 |
Philippines | Embassy | (+662) 259-0139 to 40/ +662-258-5401 |
Singapore | Embassy | +66 2 348 6700 |
Sri Lanka | Consulate General | +66 2 105 4851 |
Uzbekistan | Consulate General | +66 2 675 3995 |
Vietnam | Embassy | +66 2 267 9602 |
Central America and Caribbean
6 diplomatic missionsEurope
31 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Embassy | +66 2 105 67 00 / 1056710 |
Belgium | Embassy | +66 2 108 18 00 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | +66.2.627.3872 |
Croatia | Consulate | (+66) 2776 4855 / (+66) 2266 6911 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +66 225 092 23 / + 66 225 092 24 |
Denmark | Embassy | +66 (0) 2343 1100 |
Finland | Embassy | +66 2 20 787 00 |
France | Embassy | +66 2 657 5100 / +66 2 627 2100 |
Germany | Embassy | (+66) 2 287 90 00 |
Greece | Embassy | + 66 (0) 2 6670090 / 91 / 92 |
Hungary | Embassy | +66 2 118 9600 |
Iceland | Honorary Consulate | +66 (2) 253 8990 |
Ireland | Embassy | +66 2 016 1360 |
Italy | Embassy | +66-2-250 4970 |
Kosovo | Embassy | +66 2 381 2134 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +66 2 237 35 85 |
Luxembourg | Embassy | +66 2 677 7360 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | + 66 2234 9729 / 2233 6872 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +66 230 952 00 |
Poland | Embassy | +66 2 079 7300 |
Portugal | Embassy | +66 (0) 22342123 / +66 (0) 22340372 |
Romania | Embassy | +66 2 240 2522 |
Russia | Embassy | +66 2 234-20-12 |
Slovakia | Embassy | +66 2677 3445 |
Slovenia | Consulate General | (+66) 2234-7637 / (+66) 2234-2481 |
Spain | Embassy | +66 2 661 8284 / 85 / 86 /87 |
Sweden | Embassy | +66 2 263 72 00 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +66 2 674 6900 |
Turkey | Embassy | +66-2- 355 54 86 / 87 / 88 / 89 |
Ukraine | Embassy | + 66-26-85-32-16 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +66 (0) 2 305 8333 |
Middle East
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Bahrain | Embassy | +66 22 66 65 65 |
Iran | Embassy | +66 2 390 0871 |
Iraq | Embassy | +66 2 278 5335 |
Israel | Embassy | +66 2204 9200 |
Kuwait | Embassy | +66 2 636 6600 |
Oman | Embassy | +66 2 639 9380 |
Qatar | Embassy | +66 266 011 11 |
Saudi Arabia | Embassy | +6626392999 |
Syria | Consulate General | +66 2254-7961 - 3; +66 2255-7989 |
United Arab Emirates | Embassy | +6624024000 |
Yemen | Consulate General | +66 2 314 0610 |
North America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +66 0 2646 4300 |
Mexico | Embassy | +66 (0) 2-2850995 |
United States | Embassy | +66 2 205 4000 |
4 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Embassy | +66 2 344 6300 |
Nauru | Consulate General | (+66) 2274 3989 / 90 |
New Zealand | Embassy | +66 (0)2 2542530 |
Papua New Guinea | Consulate General | +66 2260 2801 / 3 |
South America
7 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Argentina | Embassy | + 66 2 259 0401 / + 66 2 279 9198 |
Brazil | Embassy | +66 02-285-6081 / +66 02-679-8567 / +66 02-679-8568 |
Chile | Embassy | (66) 2 2600045 / 46/ 47/ 48 |
Colombia | Embassy | +66 2168 8715 |
Ecuador | Consulate General | +66 2 295 1991 ext 343 |
Peru | Embassy | +66 2260 6243 / +66 2260 6245 |
Uruguay | Consulate | +66 2225-3718 / 9 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Bangkok?
Bangkok currently boasts about 103 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.