Embassies in Khartoum
61 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 61 diplomatic missions based in the city of Khartoum, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Khartoum
16 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | +249-183-233-212 ; +249-183-234-773 |
Burkina Faso | Consulate General | +249 15 513 0045 |
Central African Republic | Embassy | +249 15 522 9562 |
Chad | Embassy | +249 183 471 084 and +249 183 242 545 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Embassy | (+249) 155 125 046 |
Djibouti | Embassy | +249 18 325 1950 |
Egypt | Embassy | +249 11 777646 ; +249 11 778747, 772836 |
Eritrea | Embassy | +249 12 789 9957 and +249 183-521 000 |
Ethiopia | Embassy | +249 11 471156 and +249 183 471379 |
Kenya | Embassy | +249 155 772 800 and +249 920 579 426 |
Libya | Embassy | +249 183 222 457 and +249 99 005 1841 |
Mali | Consulate General | +249 183 245 743 |
Morocco | Embassy | +249 183 471 603 and +249 183 473 068 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +249 155-772-800 / 1; +249 920 579 426 |
South Africa | Embassy | + 249 183 585 301 |
Uganda | Embassy | +249 797869 |
10 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Afghanistan | Embassy | +249 11 221 852 and +249 11 221 827 |
China | Embassy | +249 1 8327 2730 |
India | Embassy | +249 18 357 4001 |
Indonesia | Embassy | +249 183 564 036 |
Japan | Embassy | +249-1-8347-1601 or +249-1-8347-1602 |
Malaysia | Embassy | +249 015 655 6400 |
Pakistan | Embassy | +249 155 119 219 |
South Korea | Embassy | +249-1-8358-0031and +249-9-1217-2813 |
Sri Lanka | Consulate General | +249 11-778081; +249 11-784105 |
Thailand | Consulate | +249-183-46871 |
22 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Consulate | +249 155 177771 |
Belarus | Honorary Consulate | +8 10 249 1 83797258 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +249 123 619 719 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | local: (0183) 560.106 international: +249.183.560.106 |
Croatia | Consulate | + 249 11 472 168 |
Czech Republic | Honorary Consulate | +249 91 834 856 10 |
Denmark | Honorary Consulate | +249 183 595 815 and +249 183 595 817 |
Finland | Honorary Consulate | +249 183 774 304 +249 183 775 477 |
France | Embassy | + 249 1 8347 1082 |
Germany | Embassy | +249 01 85 34 96 22 |
Greece | Embassy | +249 183 773 565 and +249 183 765 902 |
Ireland | Honorary Consulate | +249 155 117 886 |
Italy | Embassy | +00249183471615|00249183471616 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +249 123 051 817 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +249 156 55 99 90 |
Romania | Embassy | +249 1 853 381 14 |
Russia | Embassy | +249 18 347 1042 |
Serbia | Honorary Consulate | + 249 912373130 |
Slovakia | Honorary Consulate | +249 1 83 778 437, +249 9 123 40 183 |
Spain | Embassy | +249 183 76 36 39; +249 183 26 98 91 |
Sweden | Embassy | +249 187 188 700 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +249 (0)156 775500 |
Middle East
9 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Bahrain | Embassy | +249 1 5515 9895 |
Iraq | Embassy | +249 11 271 866 and +249 183 271 866 |
Jordan | Embassy | +249 1 8348 3125 and +249 1 8352 2290 |
Kuwait | Embassy | +249 183 773 184 |
Lebanon | Embassy | +249 183 461 320 and +249 183 461 295 |
Oman | Embassy | +249 11 471 605 ; +249 11 471 606 |
Qatar | Embassy | +249 183 261 113 |
Saudi Arabia | Embassy | +249183464646 and +249183471121 |
United Arab Emirates | Embassy | +249155888888 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +249 156 550 500 |
United States | Embassy | +249 187 022 000 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Khartoum?
Khartoum currently boasts about 61 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.