Embassies in Cebu City
19 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 19 diplomatic missions based in the city of Cebu City, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Cebu City
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Sierra Leone | Consulate General | +63 32 232 2988 |
3 diplomatic missionsCentral America and Caribbean
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Belize | Consulate General | +63-25-220-066 ; +63-23-368-305 |
12 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Consulate | +63 32 231 06 05 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +63 32 255 32 00 |
Czech Republic | Honorary Consulate | +63 32 253 25 12 |
Germany | Embassy | +63 929 667 6386 |
Italy | Consulate | +0063324141671|0063324141672 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +632 395 2500 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +63 32 254 6781, +63 917 720 8642 |
Poland | Honorary Consulate | +630 322 336 808 |
Romania | Honorary Consulate | +63 32 255 3200 and +63 32 346 5471 |
Spain | Consulate General | +63 (32) 230-8340 & +63 917 630-4150 |
Sweden | Honorary Consulate | +63 32 233 3106 |
Turkey | Consulate General | + 63 32 254 70 25 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Consulate General | +63 32 256 3320 and +63 999-994-1358 |
United States | Consulate | +63 (032) 231-1261 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Cebu City?
Cebu City currently boasts about 19 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.