Embassies in Asuncion

53 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 53 diplomatic missions based in the city of Asuncion, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Asuncion


1 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Morocco Embassy +595 21 663 040


7 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Azerbaijan Honorary Consulate +595 21 339 2213
India Consulate +595 21 660 115
Indonesia Honorary Consulate + 595 21 600 628
Japan Embassy +595 (21) 604.616
Pakistan Honorary Consulate +595 (21) 204 303 and +595 (21) 204 296
South Korea Embassy +595-21-605-401 and +595-981-593-448
Thailand Honorary Consulate (595-21) 225-225

Central America and Caribbean

7 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Bahamas Honorary Consulate + 595 21 228 270
Costa Rica Embassy +595 21 675-297
Cuba Embassy +595 21 222 763
Dominican Republic Embassy +59-521-213 143
Guatemala Embassy +595 21 695 535
Jamaica Consulate +595 21 290 558
Panama Embassy +595 21-623-333


23 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate +595 21 22 50 22
Belgium Honorary Consulate +595 228 633 326
Czech Republic Honorary Consulate +595 215 018 64, +595 214 462 18
Denmark Consulate General +595 21 490 617 and +595 981 206 212
Finland Honorary Consulate +595 212 021 00
France Embassy + 595 21 211 680/ + 595 21 212 269/ + 595 21 212 449/ + 595 21 213 840
Germany Embassy +595 21 21 40 09
Hungary Consulate General +595 28 31-600 ; +595 (981) 400-366 (mobile)
Ireland Honorary Consulate +595 21 608 255
Italy Embassy +0059521615620
Latvia Honorary Consulate +595 21 221 477
Malta Honorary Consulate + 59 521 605 499
Netherlands Honorary Consulate +595 212 836 57
Poland Honorary Consulate +595 21 441 661
Romania Consulate General +595 21 297 440
Serbia Honorary Consulate + 595 21 496 112
Slovakia Honorary Consulate +595-61-502556
Slovenia Consulate +59 521 602 421
Spain Embassy +595 21 490 686 / 7
Sweden Consulate General +595 21 21 51 37
Switzerland Consulate General +595 21 621 511
Turkey Embassy + 595 21 615 969 and + 595 985671100
United Kingdom Embassy + 595 (21) 614 588

Middle East

2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Lebanon Embassy +595 21 229 375
Qatar Embassy +595 216 630 46

North America

3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Consulate +54 11 4808-1000 / 595 981 403-778
Mexico Embassy +595 21 606 427
United States Embassy +595 212 483 000


1 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Australia Consulate +595 21 608 740 and +595 21 608 742

South America

9 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Argentina Consulate General + 595 21 212 320 / + 595 21 212 324
Bolivia Embassy +595 (21) 211-430 and +595 (21) 211-331
Brazil Consulate + 595 21 248 4000
Chile Embassy + 595 21 613 855
Colombia Embassy +595 021 661 146 and +595 021 661 153
Ecuador Embassy +595 21 665 060 and +595 21 614 814
Peru Embassy +595 (21) 607 327 and +595 (21) 210 395
Uruguay Embassy +595 21 664 244
Venezuela Embassy +595 21 664 682

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Asuncion?

Asuncion currently boasts about 53 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.