Embassies in Trondheim

14 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 14 diplomatic missions based in the city of Trondheim, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Trondheim


14 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate +47 92 26 80 37
Belgium Honorary Consulate +47 73 531 550
Croatia Consulate +47 97 14 79 06
Czech Republic Honorary Consulate +47 932 331 00
Denmark Honorary Consulate +47 7388 0000
Finland Honorary Consulate +47 92 690 213
Germany Honorary Consulate +47 41 41 83 68
Iceland Honorary Consulate +47 9343 9000
Italy Consulate General +47 73802154
Latvia Honorary Consulate +47 91 699 000
Luxembourg Honorary Consulate +47 73 99 11 60
Poland Honorary Consulate +47 73 87 69 00
Spain Consulate General +47 900 492 89
Sweden Honorary Consulate +47 73 88 38 50

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Trondheim?

Trondheim currently boasts about 14 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.