Embassies in Veracruz

12 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 12 diplomatic missions based in the city of Veracruz, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Veracruz

Central America and Caribbean

4 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Cuba Consulate General +52 229 921 4304
Guatemala Consulate General +52 229 931 0032
Honduras Consulate General +52 229 932 2167
Panama Consulate General +52 22-9955-0800


8 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Belgium Honorary Consulate +52 229 922 82 57 and +52 229 938 73 92
Denmark Consulate +52 (229) 923 3434
Finland Honorary Consulate +52 229 931 2437
Netherlands Consulate +52 122 993 730 00
Romania Honorary Consulate +52 229 989 1101
Spain Consulate General +52 (229) 989 2900
Sweden Consulate +52 229 934 16 29 and +52 229 934 56 53
Switzerland Consulate General +52 22 99 35 38 14

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Veracruz?

Veracruz currently boasts about 12 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.