Embassies in Monterrey

27 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 27 diplomatic missions based in the city of Monterrey, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Monterrey


1 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Indonesia Honorary Consulate + 528 328 2800

Central America and Caribbean

6 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Belize Consulate General +52 (81) 9838-7728
Cuba Consulate General +52 81 8348 3477
El Salvador Consulate General +52 81 8363 6988
Guatemala Consulate General +52 818 340 6947
Nicaragua Consulate General +52 8181309700
Panama Consulate General +52 81 8676 3187


13 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate +52 81 8152 5068
Belgium Honorary Consulate +52 818 303 05 00
Denmark Honorary Consulate +52 (81) 8369 7000 and +52 (81) 8369 7001
Finland Honorary Consulate +52 818 369 7036; +52 818 369 7080
Germany Honorary Consulate +52 81 83 78 60 78
Greece Honorary Consulate + 521 81 81524545
Hungary Consulate General +52 403.229.4800
Italy Consulate General +00528183420714
Netherlands Consulate +52 818 450 0898
Serbia Consulate
Spain Consulate General +52 81 8356 3366
Sweden Honorary Consulate +52 81 8336 6771
Switzerland Consulate +52 81 83 35 38 90

North America

2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Consulate +52 (81) 2088 3200
United States Consulate General +52 81 8047 3100

South America

5 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Chile Honorary Consulate +52 81 8363 3800
Ecuador Consulate General +52 (33) 3613 1666
Peru Honorary Consulate +52 (81) 8340 4244
Uruguay Consulate General +52 55 5531 0880
Venezuela Consulate General +52 81 3328-3044 ; +52 81 3328-3

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Monterrey?

Monterrey currently boasts about 27 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.