Embassies in Mexico City
87 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 87 diplomatic missions based in the city of Mexico City, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Mexico City
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | +52 55 5520-6950; +52 55 5520-8656 |
Angola | Embassy | +52 55 5540 5982 |
Botswana | Consulate General | +52 (999) 928-6152 |
Côte d'Ivoire | Embassy | +52 55 5280-8573 and +52 55 5280-0368 |
Egypt | Embassy | +52 55 5281 0698 / 0823 ; +52 55 5281 7505 |
Gambia | Consulate General | +52 (228) 817 43 30 |
Libya | Embassy | +52 55 5545 5725 and +52 55 5525 5735 |
Madagascar | Honorary Consulate | +52 55 5616-1274 |
Morocco | Embassy | +52 55 5245 1786 and +52 55 5245 1790 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +52 55 5251-0966 |
South Africa | Embassy | +52 55 1100 4970 |
14 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Armenia | Embassy | +52155 638 15089 |
Azerbaijan | Embassy | +5255 40 41 09 |
Bangladesh | Embassy | +52 55 5540 4740 |
China | Embassy | |
Georgia | Embassy | +52 155 55 200 118 |
India | Embassy | +55311002 |
Indonesia | Embassy | + 525 280 5748 |
Japan | Embassy | + 52 55 5211-0028 |
Kazakhstan | Embassy | +52 55 5202 6888 |
Malaysia | Embassy | + 52 55 5282 5166 |
Singapore | Consulate General | +52 55 9150 7802 |
South Korea | Embassy | (+52) 55 5202 9866 and (+52) 55 8581 2808 |
Thailand | Embassy | +52-55 5540 - 4551 or +52-55 5540 - 4529 |
Vietnam | Embassy | +52.55 5540 1632 |
Central America and Caribbean
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Belize | Embassy | +52 55 5520 1274 |
Costa Rica | Embassy | +52 55 5525 7764 |
Cuba | Embassy | +52 55 280 8039 and +52 55 280 8208 |
Dominican Republic | Embassy | +52 55 5540 3841 |
El Salvador | Embassy | +52 55 5281 5725 |
Guatemala | Embassy | +52 55 5540 7520 and +52 55 5520-9249 |
Haiti | Embassy | +52 55 5557 2065 and +52 55 5580 2487 |
Honduras | Embassy | +52 55 5211 5747 and +52 55 5211 5250 |
Jamaica | Embassy | +52 55 5250 6804 |
Nicaragua | Embassy | +52 55 5202 6449 |
Panama | Embassy | +52 55-5280-8222 |
31 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Embassy | +52 55 52 51 08 06 |
Belgium | Embassy | +52 55 528 007 58 and +52 155 540 549 93 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | +52 55 5596 3283 and +52 55 55963295 |
Cyprus | Embassy | +52 55 5202 7600 and +52 55 5202 3096 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +52 55 5531 2544 ; +52 55 5531 2777 |
Denmark | Embassy | +52 55 5255 3405 |
Finland | Embassy | +52 55 5540 6036 |
France | Consulate General | + 52 55 9171 9700 |
Germany | Embassy | +52 55 52 83 22 00 |
Greece | Embassy | + 52 55 55202070 |
Hungary | Embassy | +52-55-55961822 and +52-55-55960523 |
Iceland | Consulate General | +52 (55) 5261 0845 and +52 (55) 5261 0843 |
Ireland | Embassy | +52 998 195 9063 |
Italy | Embassy | + 00525555963655 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +52 555 662 76 98 |
Luxembourg | Honorary Consulate | +52 55 57 00 417 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +52 55 5591 2279 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +52 55 1105 6550 |
Poland | Embassy | +52 55 5481 2050 |
Portugal | Embassy | +(5255) 55207897 |
Romania | Embassy | +52 55 5280 0197 |
Russia | Embassy | +52 55 5516 0870 ; +52 55 5273 1305 |
Serbia | Embassy | |
Slovakia | Embassy | +52 5552806669 |
Slovenia | Consulate | +52 555 211 6500 |
Spain | Embassy | +52 82 29 82 / 29 74 / 24 59 / 27 63 |
Sweden | Embassy | +52 55 91 78 50 10 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +52 55 91 78 43 70 |
Turkey | Embassy | +52-52 52 02 36 82 52 82 |
Ukraine | Embassy | + 52 82-4744 and +52 82-4789 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +52 (55) 1670 3200 |
Middle East
6 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Iran | Embassy | +52 55 9172 2694 |
Iraq | Embassy | +52 55 5596 0933 |
Israel | Embassy | +52 55 5201 1500 |
Jordan | Embassy | +52 55 5262 4120 and +52 55 5540 0133 |
Kuwait | Embassy | +52 55 5245 1714 and +52 55 5245 1715 |
Lebanon | Embassy | +52 55 5280-5614 and +52 55 5280-6794 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | + 52 (55) 5724-7900 |
United States | Embassy | +52 55 5080 2000 |
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Embassy | +52 55 110 122 00 |
New Zealand | Embassy | +52 55 528 39460 |
South America
10 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Argentina | Embassy | + 52 55 5520 9430 |
Bolivia | Embassy | +52 55 5255 3620 and +52 55 5255 3630 |
Brazil | Embassy | +52 55 5201 4531 |
Chile | Embassy | +52 55 5280 9681 |
Colombia | Embassy | +52 (55) 5525 0277 |
Ecuador | Embassy | +52 55 5545-3141 ; +52 55 5545-6013 |
Paraguay | Embassy | + 52 55 5545 0405 |
Peru | Embassy | +52 (55) 1105 2270 |
Uruguay | Embassy | +52 55 5531 0880 |
Venezuela | Embassy | +52 55 5203 4233 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Mexico City?
Mexico City currently boasts about 87 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.