Embassies in Nouakchott

39 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 39 diplomatic missions based in the city of Nouakchott, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Nouakchott


9 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Algeria Embassy +222 4525-3569; +222 4525-4007
Democratic Republic of the Congo Embassy (+222) 45 25 28 36
Egypt Embassy +222 5252192 ; +222 5255065
Gambia Embassy +222 4529 8032
Libya Embassy +222 525 52 02 and +222 525 25 84
Mali Embassy +222 45 25 40 78
Morocco Embassy +222 4525 1327 and +222 4525 1411
Nigeria Embassy +222-52314,-52304, 52346
Tunisia Embassy +222 525 28 71


3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
China Embassy
Japan Embassy +222 4525.0977
Pakistan Consulate General +222 4525 6901 and +222 4525 5715


17 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate +222 4525 1111
Belgium Honorary Consulate +222 452 523 57
Czech Republic Honorary Consulate +222 452 905 69
Denmark Consulate +222 52 53254
Finland Honorary Consulate +222 45 259 454
France Embassy + 222 45 29 96 99
Germany Embassy +22 2 45 25 17 29
Greece Honorary Consulate + 222 5290127, , 36394300
Italy Consulate General +222 5255656 ; +222 5257464
Netherlands Honorary Consulate +22 245 252 482
Poland Honorary Consulate +222 524 1108
Romania Honorary Consulate +222 525 3655 and +222 641 4515
Russia Embassy +222 45 25 22 72
Spain Embassy +222 4529 86 50; +222 4525 20 80
Sweden Honorary Consulate +222 4 529 34 40
Switzerland Consulate General +222 45 24 28 66
United Kingdom Embassy +222 45256986

Middle East

6 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Iraq Embassy +222 45 243 277 and +222 45 253 251
Kuwait Embassy +222 525 4001 and +222 525 4150
Saudi Arabia Embassy +222 4525 2633
Syria Embassy +222 525 27 54
United Arab Emirates Embassy +22245242200 and +22245242201
Yemen Embassy +222 525 55 91

North America

3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Consulate +222 45-29-26-97
Mexico Honorary Consulate +222 45 29 49 70 and 40 24 11 11
United States Embassy +222 4525 2660

South America

1 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Brazil Embassy +222-4529-4982 and +222-4525-0539

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Nouakchott?

Nouakchott currently boasts about 39 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.