Embassies in Beirut
85 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 85 diplomatic missions based in the city of Beirut, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Beirut
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | +961 (1) 826 712; +961 (1) 822 081 |
Côte d'Ivoire | Embassy | +961 1 850 484 |
Egypt | Embassy | +961 1 825 566 |
Ethiopia | Consulate General | +961 5 953 597 and +961 5 953 656 |
Gabon | Embassy | +961 5 956 048 |
Morocco | Embassy | +961 592 4751 and +961 592 4752 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +961 11 444 3524 |
Rwanda | Honorary Consulate | +96 121 362 645 |
Sierra Leone | Consulate General | +961 (1) 68 06 74 |
Sudan | Embassy | +961 1 353 270 |
Tunisia | Embassy | +961 5 450 130 |
16 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Armenia | Embassy | +961 441 88 60 |
Azerbaijan | Embassy | +961 492 20 11/66 |
Bangladesh | Embassy | +961-1842-586 and +961-1842-587 |
China | Embassy | +961 1 856 133 |
India | Embassy | +961 1 735 922 |
Indonesia | Embassy | + 961 5 924 682 |
Japan | Embassy | +961-(1)-989-751/2/3 |
Kazakhstan | Embassy | +7 7172 79 35 15 |
Malaysia | Embassy | +961 1 787 144 |
Maldives | Consulate General | (01) 746.212; +961.1.746.212 |
Mongolia | Honorary Consulate | +961-1-576222 |
Myanmar | Embassy | + 9611 485 375 |
Pakistan | Embassy | +961 (1) 843 971 and +961 (1) 843 972 |
Philippines | Embassy | (+961-5) 953-522 and (+961-3) 859-430 |
Singapore | Consulate General | +961 1 334 335 |
Sri Lanka | Embassy | +961 5 924765 |
Central America and Caribbean
4 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Antigua and Barbuda | Embassy | +961 1 361 059 and +961 7650 6050 |
Bahamas | Honorary Consulate | + 961 7 753222 |
Cuba | Embassy | +961-545-9925 and +961-595-0045 |
Jamaica | Consulate | +961 1 747 244 |
31 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Embassy | +961 1 21 30 17 |
Belgium | Embassy | +961 1 976 001 and +961 3 727 789 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | +961 5 452 883 and +961 5 453 658 |
Cyprus | Embassy | + 961-4-718363 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +961 5 929 010, +961 5 929 013 |
Denmark | Embassy | +961-199-1001 and +961 (1) 335 828 |
Finland | Embassy | +961 121 8860 |
France | Embassy | + 961 1 42 00 00 |
Germany | Embassy | +961 4 93 50 00 |
Greece | Embassy | + 96 14 521700, 418772 |
Hungary | Embassy | +961 1 730 083 |
Iceland | Consulate General | +961 1 698 555 |
Ireland | Honorary Consulate | + 961 139 5005 |
Italy | Embassy | +009615954955 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +961 1 878 500 and +961 70 554 062 |
Luxembourg | Honorary Consulate | +961 1 485 790 |
Malta | Consulate General | + 961 132 2999 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +96 112 111 50 |
Poland | Embassy | +961 5 924 881 |
Romania | Embassy | + 961 5 924 848 |
Russia | Embassy | +961 (1) 30-0042 |
San Marino | Consulate General | + 961 9 943 723 |
Serbia | Embassy | +961 922 1256 |
Slovakia | Embassy | +961 1367422 |
Slovenia | Consulate General | +96 199 000 03 |
Spain | Embassy | +961 5 46 41 20 |
Sweden | Embassy | +961 1 951 200 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +961 1 324 129 |
Turkey | Embassy | +961 4 52 80 61/62 |
Ukraine | Embassy | + 961-592-19-75 and + 961-592-19-72 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +961 01 960800 |
Middle East
9 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Iran | Embassy | +961 1 821 230 |
Iraq | Embassy | +961 1 780 006 and +961 1 799 916 |
Jordan | Embassy | +96 1 592 2500 and +96 1 592 2501 |
Kuwait | Embassy | +961 1 792 810 |
Oman | Embassy | +961 1 856 555 |
Qatar | Embassy | +961 183 5111 |
Saudi Arabia | Embassy | +9611762722 |
United Arab Emirates | Embassy | +961 5 928 000 |
Yemen | Embassy | +961 (1) 852 688 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +961 (4) 726-700 |
United States | Embassy | (961) 4 542600 - 543600 |
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Embassy | +961 1 960 600 |
South America
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Argentina | Embassy | + 961 1 210 804 / 210 803 |
Bolivia | Honorary Consulate | +961 1-874 553 |
Brazil | Embassy | + 961 5 921 255 |
Chile | Embassy | + 961 4 418 670 |
Colombia | Embassy | +961 1 895 381 and +961 1 895 382 |
Ecuador | Consulate General | +961 1-353 648 / 9 ; +961 1-344 234 |
Guyana | Honorary Consulate | +961 968 5983 |
Paraguay | Embassy | + 961 5 458 501 |
Peru | Honorary Consulate | +961 (1) 329 230 |
Uruguay | Embassy | +961 9 636529 / 30 |
Venezuela | Embassy | +961 4 718 612 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Beirut?
Beirut currently boasts about 85 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.