Embassies in Sapporo

23 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 23 diplomatic missions based in the city of Sapporo, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Sapporo


6 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
China Consulate General +81 11 563 5563
Indonesia Honorary Consulate + 81 11 231 9511
Mongolia Honorary Consulate + 81 11 611 2626
Philippines Honorary Consulate +81 11 614 8090
South Korea Consulate General + 81 11 218 0288
Thailand Honorary Consulate 011 251 3212

Central America and Caribbean

1 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Guatemala Consulate + 81 11 716 7412


11 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate +81 11 232 71 52 and + 81 11 232 1117
Denmark Consulate +81 11 233 1256
Finland Consulate +81 115 306 012
France Consulate + 81 11 261 2771
Germany Consulate + 81 11 251 4174
Ireland Consulate +81 11 221 2451
Lithuania Consulate + 81 11 221 3939
Norway Honorary Consulate + 81 11 231 1322
Russia Consulate General +81 11 561 3171
Spain Honorary Consulate +81 11 261 4288
Sweden Honorary Consulate +81 11 711 2730

North America

2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Consulate +81 11 643 2520
United States Consulate General +81 116 411 115


2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Australia Consulate +81 11 242 4381
New Zealand Embassy +81 (11) 802-9272

South America

1 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Chile Honorary Consulate +81 11 232 0639

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Sapporo?

Sapporo currently boasts about 23 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.