Embassies in New Delhi

170 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 170 diplomatic missions based in the city of New Delhi, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in New Delhi


47 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Algeria Embassy +91-11-2411 7585 and +91-11-2411 7586 and +91-11-2411 7588 and +91-11-2411 7589
Angola Embassy +91-11-2614 6197 and +91-11-2614 6195
Benin Embassy +91 11 2610 0114 and +91 11 4108 5516
Botswana High Commission
Burkina Faso Embassy +91-11-2614 0641 and +91-11-2614 0642
Burundi Embassy +91-11-46151947
Cape Verde Honorary Consulate +91-11-2411 4292 and +91-11-2411 4293
Chad Embassy +91 11 4563 5162 and +91 11 4164 5584
Comoros Honorary Consulate +91-11-2874 1319 and +91-11-2874 1328
Democratic Republic of the Congo Embassy
Djibouti Embassy +91-11-4135 4491 and +91-11-4135 4492 and +91-11-4135 4493
Egypt Embassy +91 11 2611 4096 and +91 11 2611 4097
Equatorial Guinea Embassy +91 11 4106 0146 and +91 11 4106 0147
Eritrea Embassy +91 11-2614 6336 and +91 11-2614 0398
Ethiopia Embassy +91-11-2611 9513 and +91-11-2611 9514 and +91-11-2467 5366 and +91-11-2467 5377
Gabon Embassy +91-11-2673 1600 and +91-11-2673 1601
Gambia High Commission
Ghana High Commission
Guinea Embassy +91-11-4654 0211 and +91 11 4654 0213
Ivory Coast Embassy
Kenya High Commission
Lesotho High Commission
Liberia Honorary Consulate +91 11-4133 6606
Libya Embassy +91-11-2469 7717 and +91-11-2469 7771
Madagascar Embassy +91-11-4106 7747
Malawi High Commission
Mali Embassy +91 11 4109 0624
Mauritius High Commission
Morocco Embassy +91-11-4031 1100 and +91-11-4352 6315 and +91-11-4031 1106
Mozambique High Commission
Namibia High Commission
Niger Embassy +91-11-26150160
Nigeria High Commission
Republic of the Congo Embassy (+91) 11-4236 8800 / 11-4238 5500
Rwanda High Commission
Senegal Embassy +91-11-2615-4423
Seychelles High Commission
Somalia Embassy +91-11-26153498
South Africa High Commission
Sudan Embassy +91-11-2687 3785 and +91-11-2687 3746 and +91-11-2687 3185
São Tomé and Príncipe Honorary Consulate +91 11 4949 6789
Tanzania High Commission
Togo Embassy +91-11-4103 7036
Tunisia Embassy +91-11-2614 5346 and +91-11-2614 5349 and +91-11-2614 5351
Uganda High Commission
Zambia High Commission
Zimbabwe Embassy +91-11-2614 0430 and +91-11-2614 0431 and +91-11-2615 4313 and +91-11-2615 4314


30 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Afghanistan Embassy +91 11 2410 0412
Armenia Embassy +91 11 2411 2851 and +91 11 2411 2852
Azerbaijan Embassy +91 11 26 15 22 28
Bangladesh High Commission
Bhutan Embassy +91-11-2688 9807 and +91-11-2688 9809 and +91-11-2688 9230
Brunei High Commission
Cambodia Embassy +91 11 2921 4436
China Embassy +91 11-2611 2345
Georgia Embassy +91-11-4949 6000
Indonesia Embassy +91-11-2687 4402 and +91 11 2688 6763
Japan Embassy +91-11-2687 6564 and +91-11-4610 4610
Kazakhstan Embassy +91-11-4555 5110 and +91 11 4555 5112
Kyrgyzstan Embassy +91 11-2410-8008
Laos Embassy +91 11 4132 7352
Malaysia High Commission
Maldives High Commission
Mongolia Embassy +91-11-2463 1728 and +91 11 2461 7989
Myanmar Embassy +91 11 2688 9007 and +91 11 2688 9008
Nepal Embassy +91-11-2332 9969 and +91-11-2332 7361 and +91-11-2332 9218 and +91-11-2332 8066
North Korea Embassy +91-11-4254 8834
Pakistan Embassy +91-11-2611 0601 and +91-11-2467 6004 and +91-11-2467 8467
Philippines Embassy +91-11-2410 1120 and +91-11-2688 9091 and +91-11-2688 8838 and +91-11-2611 0152
Singapore High Commission
South Korea Embassy +91-11-4200 7000
Sri Lanka High Commission
Tajikistan Embassy +91 11-2615 4282
Thailand Embassy +91 11 2419 7200
Turkmenistan Embassy +91 11 2411 6527
Uzbekistan Embassy +91-11-2467 0774 and +91-11-2467 0775 and +91-11-2410 5640
Vietnam Embassy +91 11 2687 9868

Central America and Caribbean

14 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Bahamas Honorary Consulate +91-11-2301 7215 and +91-11-2301 7218
Belize Honorary Consulate +91-11-4250 4847
Costa Rica Embassy +91-11-4108 0810
Cuba Embassy +91-11-4036 3868 and +91-11-4036 3869 and +91-11-4036 3870
Dominica Consulate +91 11-2686 2595
Dominican Republic Embassy +91-11-4342 5000
El Salvador Embassy +91-11-4608 8400
Grenada Consulate +91 11-2435 4512
Guatemala Embassy +91 11-4699-9000
Haiti Honorary Consulate +91 11 4765 4765
Nicaragua Consulate General +91-11-2469 4469 and +91-11-2461 8238
Panama Embassy +91 11 2614 8260 and +91 11 2614 8268
Saint Lucia Honorary Consulate +91-11-2410 6777
Trinidad and Tobago High Commission


40 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Embassy +91-11-2419 2700
Belarus Embassy +91-11-40529338
Belgium Embassy +91-11-42428000
Bosnia and Herzegovina Embassy +91-11-4166 2481
Bulgaria Embassy +91 11 261 15549 and +91 11 261 15550 and +91 11 261 15551
Croatia Embassy +91 11 4166 3101 and +91 11 4166 3102 and +91 11 4166 3103
Cyprus High Commission
Czech Republic Embassy +91 11 2415 5200
Denmark Embassy +91 11 4209 0700
Estonia Embassy +91 11 4948 8650
Finland Embassy +91 11 5149 7500 and +91 11 4149 7570
France Embassy +91-11-2419 6100
Germany Consulate +91 11 2687 1831 and +91 11 4419 9199
Greece Embassy +91-11-2688 0700
Hungary Embassy +91-11-2688 1135
Iceland Consulate General +91-11-4353 0300
Ireland Embassy +91 11 4940 3200
Italy Embassy +91-11-2611 4355 and +91-11-2611 4359 and +91-11-2611 4353
Latvia Embassy +91 11 4985 9100
Lithuania Embassy +91 11 4313 2200
Luxembourg Embassy +91-11-2680 1954 and +91-11-2680 1966
Macedonia Embassy + 91 11 4614 2603
Malta High Commission
Moldova Honorary Consulate +91 11-2691-9391
Montenegro Honorary Consulate +91-11-2923 8909
Netherlands Embassy +91 11 2419 7600
Norway Embassy +91-11- 4136 3200
Poland Embassy +91 11 4149 6900
Portugal Embassy +91 11 4607 1031 and +91 11 4607 1032
Romania Embassy +91 11 2614 0447 and +91 11 2614 0700
Russia Embassy +91-11-26110640 and +91-11-2611 0641 and +91-11-2611 0642
Serbia Embassy + 91 11 2687 3661 and +91 11 2687 2073
Slovakia Embassy +91 11 2688 9071 and +91 11 2688 5340 and +91 11 2611 1075
Slovenia Embassy +91 11 4166 2891
Spain Embassy +91 11 5129 3000
Sweden Embassy +91 11 2419 7100
Switzerland Embassy +91-11-2687 8534 and +91-11-2687 8372 and +91-11-2687 8373 and +91-11-687 8374
Turkey Embassy +91-11-2410 1921 and + 91 11 2688 9053 and + 91 11 2688 9054
Ukraine Embassy +91-11-2614 6041 and +91-11-2614 6042
United Kingdom High Commission

Middle East

13 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Bahrain Embassy +91-11-2615 4153 and +91-11-2615 4154
Iran Embassy +91-11-2332 9600 and +91-11-2332 9601 and +91-11-2332 9602
Iraq Embassy +91-11- 2615 0081 and +91-11- 2615 0082
Israel Embassy +91-11-3041 4500
Jordan Embassy +91-11-2649-7030
Kuwait Embassy +91 11-2410 0791
Lebanon Embassy +91-11-2615 3733 and +91-11-2615 1415
Oman Embassy +91-11-2688 5622 and +91-11-2688 5623
Qatar Embassy +91-11-2611 7988 and +91 11 2611 8787 and +91-11-2611 8486
Saudi Arabia Embassy +91 11 2410 2000
Syria Embassy +91-11-2614 0233 and +91 11 2614 8298
United Arab Emirates Embassy +91 11 2611 1111
Yemen Embassy +91 11 4270-5723 and +91 11 4270-5724

North America

3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Embassy +91 11 4178 2000
Mexico Embassy +91 11 2411 7180 and +91 11 2411 7181 and +91 11 2411 7182 and +91 11 2411 7183
United States Embassy +91-11-2419 8000


11 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Australia High Commission
Fiji High Commission
Kiribati Honorary Consulate +91 11-4222 4900
Marshall Islands Honorary Consulate +91 11 2372 0567 and +91 11 4614 4646
Nauru Honorary Consulate +91 11 2641 4744 and +91 98 1120 9557
New Zealand High Commission
Palau Consulate General +91-11-4010 9565 and +91-96 6782 5200
Papua New Guinea High Commission
Solomon Islands Honorary Consulate +91 11 4151 7279 and +91 11 3955 5506
Tonga Honorary Consulate +91 11-6563 5506 and +91 98 1058 3949
Tuvalu Consulate General +91-11-2749 3352

South America

12 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Argentina Embassy +91-11- 4166 1982 and +91-11- 4166 1983 and +91-11- 4166 1984
Bolivia Embassy +91-11-4606 0934
Brazil Embassy +91 11 2301 7301
Chile Embassy +91 11 4310 0400
Colombia Embassy +91 11 4320 2100 and +91 11 4320 2101 and +91 11 4320 2102 and +91 11 4320 2103
Ecuador Embassy +91 11 3240 2001 and +91 11 3240 2002 and +91 11 3240 2010
Guyana High Commission
Paraguay Embassy + 91 11 4270 5671
Peru Embassy +91 11 4616 3333 and +91 11 4616 3308
Suriname Embassy +91-11-2688 8453 and +91-11-2688 8454
Uruguay Embassy +91-11-2615 1991 and +91-11-2615 1992 and +91-11-2615 1993
Venezuela Embassy +91-11-4168 0218 and +91-11-4168 0219

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in New Delhi?

New Delhi currently boasts about 170 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.