Embassies in Mumbai

105 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 105 diplomatic missions based in the city of Mumbai, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Mumbai


23 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Botswana Honorary Consulate +91-22-2363 8002
Burkina Faso Consulate +91 22 2364 3093
Djibouti Consulate General +91 22-2285 3750
Egypt Consulate General +91-22-3676422
Eritrea Honorary Consulate +91 22 2202 9184
Ethiopia Consulate General +91 22-2438 6625 and +91 22-2438 2252
Gabon Honorary Consulate +91 22-4042 8100
Ghana Honorary Consulate +91-22-2281 9590
Guinea Honorary Consulate +91 22-2287 1914 and +91 22-2287 1916
Ivory Coast Honorary Consulate
Kenya Honorary Consulate +91 22-2202 9130 and +91 22-2202 9022
Lesotho Honorary Consulate +91 22 4060 8888
Madagascar Honorary Consulate +91 22 2204 6735
Mauritius Consulate General +91 22-2284 1410
Morocco Honorary Consulate +91 22 2495 2729 and +91 22 2495 2725
Namibia Honorary Consulate +91-22-6665 2225 and +91-22-6665 2215
Niger Honorary Consulate +91 22-6560 6030 and +91 22 6804 1122
Rwanda Honorary Consulate +91 22 4056 9905
Seychelles Honorary Consulate +91-22-2558 4360
Sierra Leone Consulate General +91 222285 2617
South Africa Consulate General +91 22 2351 3725 and +91 22 2352 3726
Uganda Honorary Consulate +91 22 6773 3604 and +91 22 6773 3692
Zimbabwe Honorary Consulate +91 22 6773 3691


16 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Afghanistan Consulate General +91 22 2363 3777
Bangladesh High Commission
China Consulate General +91-22-5632 4303 and +91-22-5632 4306
Georgia Honorary Consulate +91 22-2661 6336
Indonesia Consulate General +91-22-2386 8678
Japan Consulate General +91 22 2351 7101
Malaysia Consulate General +91 22 2645 5751
Maldives Embassy (+91) 22-2511 5111
Mongolia Honorary Consulate +91-22-2285 5859 and +91-22-2285 5860
Philippines Consulate General +91-22-2202 4792
Singapore Consulate General +91 22 2204 3205
South Korea Consulate General +91-22-2388 6743 and +91-22-2388 6744
Sri Lanka Consulate General +91-22-2204 5861 and +91-22-2204 8303
Thailand Consulate General +91-22-2363 1404
Uzbekistan Honorary Consulate +91-22-2207 4824 and +91-22-2207 4825
Vietnam Consulate General +91-22-2620 8549

Central America and Caribbean

5 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Costa Rica Consulate General +91 22-2202 4411
El Salvador Honorary Consulate +91-22-4087 1111
Guatemala Honorary Consulate +91 22 3982 1800
Jamaica Honorary Consulate +91 22 493 7391
Panama Consulate General +91 22-2287-1391 and +91 22-2287-1393


34 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Austria Consulate General +91-22-2285 1734 and +91-22-2285 1774 and +91-22- 2285 1066
Belarus Honorary Consulate +91 22-6666 2020
Belgium Consulate General +91-22-2495 5186
Bosnia and Herzegovina Honorary Consulate +91 22-2605 1000
Bulgaria Honorary Consulate +91 22-6661 9000
Croatia Honorary Consulate + 91 22 2367 8451
Cyprus Honorary Consulate +91-22-2203 6622 and +91-22-2207 8842
Czech Republic Honorary Consulate +91 22 2207 8531 and +91 22 2207 8532
Denmark Consulate General +91-22-2268 5656 and +91-22-2268 5658
Estonia Honorary Consulate +91-22-2267 9828
Finland Honorary Consulate +91 22 6639 0033
France Consulate General +91-22-6669 4000
Germany Consulate General +91 22 2283 2422
Hungary Consulate General +91 22 6770 1637 and +91 22 2284 3517
Iceland Consulate General +91 22 856 161 and +91 22 886 688
Ireland Consulate General +91 22 4905 5645
Italy Consulate General +91-22-2380 4071 and +91-22-2380 4073
Latvia Honorary Consulate +91 22-4073 7171 and +91 22 2269 1837 +91 98 2003 9239
Lithuania Honorary Consulate +91 22 2657 1234
Luxembourg Honorary Consulate +91 22 2215 2065
Malta Honorary Consulate + 91 22 4085 6001
Netherlands Consulate General +91 222 219 4200
Norway Honorary Consulate +91-22-2284 2042
Poland Consulate General +91 22 2285 2631 and +91 22 2285 2641
Russia Consulate General +91-22-2363 3627 and +91-22-2363 3628
Serbia Honorary Consulate +91 22 2639 7062
Slovakia Honorary Consulate +91 22 2283 8293
Slovenia Honorary Consulate +91 22-4069 9690
Spain Consulate General +91-22-2288 0213
Sweden Consulate General +91-22-6113-2300
Switzerland Consulate General +91-22-2288 4563
Turkey Consulate General +91 22 2204 0365 and +91 22 2204 0366
Ukraine Honorary Consulate +91 22-2215 3977 and +91 22- 2832 1616
United Kingdom High Commission

Middle East

11 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Bahrain Consulate General +91 22-2218 5856 and +91 22-2218 5857 and +91 22-2218 5858
Iran Consulate General +91 22-2363 0073
Iraq Consulate General +91 22-2389 8072 and +91 22-2385 4479
Israel Consulate General +91 22 6160 0500
Jordan Honorary Consulate +91 22-4287 7955
Kuwait Consulate General +91 22-2287 1897
Oman Consulate General +91-22 - 2287 6037 and +91-22 - 2287 6038
Qatar Consulate General +91-22-2202 6701
Saudi Arabia Consulate General +91-22-2218 7725 and +91-22-2218 7768
United Arab Emirates Consulate General +91-22-2218 3021
Yemen Consulate General +91-22-2218 3956

North America

3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Consulate General +91 22 6749 4444
Mexico Honorary Consulate +91-22-2260 4111
United States Consulate General +91 22 2672 4000


3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Australia Consulate General +91 22 6757 4900
Fiji Honorary Consulate +91 22-2670 1133
New Zealand Consulate General +91 22-6131 6666

South America

10 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Argentina Consulate General +91 22-2287 1381 and +91 22-2287 1383
Brazil Consulate General +91 22 2283 4467 and +91 22 2283 4469
Chile Honorary Consulate +91 22 6656 0600
Colombia Honorary Consulate +91-22-2352 0022
Ecuador Consulate General +91 22-66795931 and +91 22-6679 5932 and +91 22-6679 5933
Guyana Honorary Consulate +91 22-3928 6100
Paraguay Honorary Consulate +91 22 2202 2717
Peru Honorary Consulate +91 22 2287 1089
Suriname Honorary Consulate +91 22-2164 9726
Uruguay Honorary Consulate +91-22- 2285 4614 and +91-22- 2285 4616

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Mumbai?

Mumbai currently boasts about 105 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.