Embassies in Budapest
97 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 97 diplomatic missions based in the city of Budapest, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Budapest
15 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | (+36) (1) 200 6860 |
Angola | Embassy | +36 1 487 7680 |
Benin | Consulate General | +36 1 225 8220 |
Egypt | Embassy | +36 1 225 2150 |
Eritrea | Consulate General | +36 20 9267 870 |
Gambia | Consulate General | +40 722 870 871 |
Ghana | Consulate General | +36 (30) 940-3421 |
Libya | Embassy | +36 1 364 9332 |
Morocco | Embassy | +36 1 391 4310 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +36 1 212 2021, +36 1 212 2022 |
Seychelles | Consulate General | +36 1 383 0200 |
Sierra Leone | Consulate General | +36 1 886-7826 |
South Africa | Embassy | +36 1 392 0999 |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Consulate General | +36 1 266-7572 ; +36 1 266-7573 |
Tunisia | Embassy | +36 1 336 1616 |
17 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Azerbaijan | Embassy | +36 1 374 6070 |
Bangladesh | Consulate General | +36 20 923 2902 |
China | Embassy | |
Georgia | Embassy | +36 1 202 3390 and +36 1 202 3388 |
India | Embassy | +361 325 7742 |
Indonesia | Embassy | + 36 1 413 3800 |
Japan | Embassy | + 36-1-398-3100 |
Kazakhstan | Embassy | +36 1 275 1300 |
Kyrgyzstan | Embassy | +36 1 461-0606 |
Malaysia | Embassy | + 361 488 0810 |
Mongolia | Embassy | +36 1 212 4579 |
Pakistan | Embassy | +36 1 355 8017 and +36 1 355 8210 |
Philippines | Embassy | (+36-1) 391-4300 |
Singapore | Consulate General | +361 391 9030 |
South Korea | Embassy | +36-1-462-3080 and +36-1-462-3080 |
Thailand | Embassy | (+36-1) 438-4020 |
Vietnam | Embassy | +361 3 425 583 |
Central America and Caribbean
3 diplomatic missionsEurope
41 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Albania | Embassy | +361 336 1098 |
Austria | Embassy | +36 1 479 70 10 |
Belarus | Embassy | +36 1 214-05-53, + 36 1 225-31-28 |
Belgium | Embassy | +36 1 457 99 60 and +36 30 982 42 23 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Embassy | + 361 212 01 06 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | +36 1 322 08 24 and +36 1 322 08 36 and +36 1 342 37 38 |
Croatia | Embassy | +36 1 354 1315 |
Cyprus | Embassy | +361-266-6045 and +361-266-1330 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +361/4625010, +361 4625013 |
Denmark | Embassy | +36 (1) 487 9000 |
Estonia | Embassy | +36 1 354 2570 |
Finland | Embassy | +36 127 925 00 |
France | Embassy | + 36 374 1100 |
Germany | Embassy | +36 1 488 35 00 |
Greece | Embassy | + 36 1 4132621, 4132611 |
Iceland | Consulate General | +36 (1) 488 0128 |
Ireland | Embassy | +36 1 301 4960 |
Italy | Embassy | +003614606200|003614606201 |
Kosovo | Embassy | +36 1 688 7872 |
Latvia | Embassy | +36 1 310 72 62 |
Lithuania | Embassy | +36 1 224 79 10 |
Luxembourg | Honorary Consulate | +36 1 325 55 78 |
Macedonia | Embassy | |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +36 1 209 0494 |
Moldova | Embassy | +36 1 209.11.91 |
Montenegro | Embassy | + 361 373 03 00 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +36 133 663 00 |
Norway | Embassy | + 36 1 325 33 00 |
Poland | Embassy | +36 1 413 82 00 |
Portugal | Embassy | +36 1 201 7617 and +36 1 201 7618 |
Romania | Embassy | +36 1 384 83 94 |
Russia | Embassy | +36 1 302 5230 |
Serbia | Embassy | |
Slovakia | Embassy | +36 14609010 |
Slovenia | Embassy | +36 143 856 00 |
Spain | Embassy | +36 1 202 40 06, +36 1 202 40 15 |
Sweden | Embassy | +36 1 460 6020 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +36 1 460 70 40 |
Turkey | Embassy | + 36-1 344 50 25 |
Ukraine | Embassy | + 36-14-22-41-20 and + 36-14-22-41-22 (23) |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +36 (1) 266 2888 |
Middle East
8 diplomatic missionsNorth America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +36 (1) 392-3360 |
Mexico | Embassy | +36 1 326 0677 and +36 1 326 0447 |
United States | Embassy | +361 4 754 400 |
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Embassy | +36 1 457 9777 |
New Zealand | Embassy | +36 1 302 2484 |
South America
8 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Argentina | Embassy | + 36 1 3260493 /+ 36 1 3260493 |
Bolivia | Consulate General | +36 (1) 214 7551 |
Brazil | Embassy | +36 1 351 0060 |
Chile | Embassy | +36 1 326 3054 |
Colombia | Embassy | +36 1 617 7055 and +36 1 212 4099 |
Ecuador | Embassy | +36 1 345 0424 and +36 1 315 2124 |
Peru | Embassy | +36 1 617 0230 |
Venezuela | Embassy | +36 233 331 568; +36 233 331 598 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Budapest?
Budapest currently boasts about 97 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.