Embassies in Hamburg
70 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 70 diplomatic missions based in the city of Hamburg, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Hamburg
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Botswana | Consulate General | +49 40 732 6191 |
Cape Verde | Consulate | +49-4037-857833 |
Egypt | Consulate General | +49 4041 33 260 |
Ghana | Consulate General | +49 40 37 22 66 |
Madagascar | Consulate General | +49 40 611 353 10 |
Rwanda | Consulate General | +49 40 36 11 56 |
Seychelles | Consulate General | +49 40 33 00 00 |
South Africa | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 38 01 66 58 |
Tanzania | Consulate General | +49 11 3087 1000 |
Tunisia | Consulate General | +49 40 226 9263 |
Uganda | Consulate General | +49 40 696 435 00 |
9 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Bangladesh | Consulate General | +49 4078 94 84 37 |
China | Consulate General | +49 40 822 760 13 |
India | Consulate General | +49 403 380 36 and +49 403 247 44 |
Indonesia | Consulate General | +49 40 513 2570 |
Japan | Consulate General | +49 40 3 33 01 70 |
Philippines | Consulate General | + 4940 442 952 |
Singapore | Consulate General | +49 40 30299 290 |
South Korea | Consulate General | +49 40 650 677 600 and +49 170 340 1498 |
Sri Lanka | Consulate General | +49 40 367 140 and +49 40 361 430 |
Central America and Caribbean
4 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Costa Rica | Consulate General | +49 40 80 13 95 |
Dominican Republic | Consulate General | +49 40 474 084 |
Nicaragua | Consulate General | +49 40 817 577 |
Panama | Consulate General | +49 40 340 218 and +49 40 832 5027 |
29 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Albania | Consulate | +49 40 18 11 05 64 |
Austria | Consulate | +49 40 30 80 1 205 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 532 42 02 |
Bulgaria | Consulate General | +49 40 4 10 35 12 and +49 40 4 10 44 62 |
Croatia | Consulate General | +49 40 311 317 |
Cyprus | Consulate General | +49 40 410 74 97 |
Czech Republic | Honorary Consulate | +49 160 978 269 55 |
Denmark | Consulate General | +49 40 414 0050 |
Finland | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 357 059 77 |
France | Consulate General | + 49 40 41 33 25 74 |
Greece | Consulate General | + 49 40 413 2430 |
Hungary | Consulate General | +49 40 45 29 56 |
Iceland | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 794 189 850 |
Ireland | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 4418 6113 |
Italy | Consulate General | + 49 404 440 5044 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 365 533 |
Luxembourg | Honorary Consulate | +49 6172 402 880 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | + 49 40 68 10 10 |
Norway | Honorary Consulate | + 49 40 32 50 91 60 |
Poland | Consulate General | +49 40 611 870 |
Portugal | Consulate General | + 49 40 355 348 58 and + 49 40 355 348 50 |
Romania | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 609 186 91 |
Russia | Consulate General | +49 40 229 5201 |
Serbia | Consulate General | + 4940 416 2260 |
Spain | Consulate General | +49 40 414 6460 |
Sweden | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 24 82 76 64 |
Switzerland | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 50 75 29 30 |
Turkey | Consulate General | +49 40 44 80 33 0 |
Ukraine | Consulate General | +49 40 229 498 10 |
Middle East
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Iran | Consulate General | +49 40 514 4060 |
North America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Consulate General | + 49 40 46 00 27 20 |
Mexico | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 8669 0779 |
United States | Consulate General | +49 4 041 171 100 |
4 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Kiribati | Honorary Consulate | +49 40 36 01 370 |
New Zealand | Consulate General | +49 40 442 5550 |
Papua New Guinea | Consulate General | +49 40 30 38 02 43 |
Tuvalu | Consulate General | +49 40 24 83 83 66 |
South America
9 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Argentina | Consulate General | + 49 40 441 8460 |
Bolivia | Consulate General | +49 40 22 6163 771 |
Brazil | Consulate | +49 40 368 033 10 |
Chile | Consulate General | +49 40 457 585 |
Colombia | Consulate General | +49 40 44 71 21 |
Ecuador | Consulate General | +49 40 443 135 |
Paraguay | Honorary Consulate | + 49 40 8816 6165 |
Peru | Consulate General | +49 40 476 745 and +49 40 460 3039 |
Venezuela | Consulate General | +49 40 410 1241 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Hamburg?
Hamburg currently boasts about 70 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.