Embassies in Dusseldorf
36 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 36 diplomatic missions based in the city of Dusseldorf, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Dusseldorf
5 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Botswana | Consulate General | +49 2102 89 64 34 |
Eswatini | Consulate General | +49 211 35 08 66 |
Morocco | Consulate General | +49 211 650 4510 |
Sierra Leone | Consulate General | +49 2159 17 07 |
Tunisia | Consulate General | +49 211 944 80 |
3 diplomatic missionsCentral America and Caribbean
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
El Salvador | Consulate General | +49 2131 27 89 71 |
21 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Croatia | Consulate General | +49 211 336 8062 |
Czech Republic | Honorary Consulate | +49 699 5957 300 |
Denmark | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 4919 5300 |
Finland | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 159 494 00 |
France | Consulate General | + 49 211 82 85 46 0 |
Greece | Consulate General | + 49 211 687 8500 |
Hungary | Consulate General | +49 201 8 13 53 00 |
Iceland | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 398 3770 and +49 172 258 5865 |
Kosovo | Consulate General | +49 211 54 222 222 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 635 41 08 |
Luxembourg | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 36787 120 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 35 82 66 |
Netherlands | Consulate General | +49 211 179 3010 |
Portugal | Consulate General | + 4 921 1 138 780 |
Serbia | Consulate General | +49 211 239 5500 |
Spain | Consulate General | +49 211 43 908 0 |
Sweden | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 54 57 10 00 |
Switzerland | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 869 3977 0 |
Turkey | Consulate General | +49 211 45 47 80 |
Ukraine | Consulate General | + 49 21 19 36 54 211 |
United Kingdom | Consulate General | +49 211 944 80 |
North America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Consulate General | +49 211 17 21 70 |
Mexico | Honorary Consulate | +49 211 4560 103 104 |
United States | Consulate General | +49 2 117 888 927 |
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Tonga | Consulate General | +49 203 74 12 11 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Dusseldorf?
Dusseldorf currently boasts about 36 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.