Embassies in Libreville

43 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 43 diplomatic missions based in the city of Libreville, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Libreville


20 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Algeria Embassy +241 011 44 34 80; +241 011 732 318
Angola Embassy +241 011 730 426 and +241 011 738 444
Benin Embassy +241 73 76 82
Burkina Faso Embassy +241 73 1880 and +241 44 1147
Cameroon Embassy +241.11.732.800
Côte d'Ivoire Embassy +241 01 73 82 70
Democratic Republic of the Congo Embassy (+241) / (+241)
Egypt Embassy +241 732538 ; +241 738416
Equatorial Guinea Embassy +241 75 10 56
Guinea Embassy +241 212 284 9882
Libya Embassy +241 44 36 23
Madagascar Honorary Consulate +241 011 73 78 14
Mali Embassy +241 73 77 58 and +241 73 52 92
Morocco Embassy +241 11 444 892
Nigeria Embassy +241 732 203 / 730 322
Republic of the Congo Embassy (+241) / (+241)
South Africa Embassy +241 01 77 45 30
São Tomé and Príncipe Embassy +241 01 45 71 00
Togo Embassy +241 01 44 43 97
Tunisia Embassy 241 73 28 41


3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
China Embassy
Japan Embassy +241 (0) 11 73 22 97
South Korea Embassy +241 6530-1900 and +241 6607-0640


13 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Belgium Honorary Consulate +241 01 740 718 and +241 07 892 632
Czech Republic Honorary Consulate +241 04 06 14 37
France Embassy + 241 01 79 70 00
Germany Consulate General +241 011 76 01 88
Italy Embassy +0024111742892|0024111742893
Netherlands Honorary Consulate +24 174 528 2
Poland Honorary Consulate +241 01 73 19 95
Russia Embassy +241 724-869, 724-868
Serbia Consulate
Spain Embassy (+241) 011 72 12 64; (+241) 011 77 30 68
Sweden Consulate +241 70 20 24
Switzerland Consulate General +241 06 76 09 50
Turkey Embassy +241 11 73 00 12 and +241 11 73 00 38

Middle East

3 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Kuwait Embassy +241 01 44 33 94
Lebanon Embassy +241 731 477 and +241 739 645
Saudi Arabia Embassy +24101731719 and +241731719

North America

2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Canada Honorary Consulate +241 01 44 29 65
United States Embassy +241 1 457 100

South America

2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Brazil Embassy + 241 76 0535
Ecuador Consulate General +241 734 665

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Libreville?

Libreville currently boasts about 43 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.