Embassies in Marseille
46 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 46 diplomatic missions based in the city of Marseille, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Marseille
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Consulate General | (+33) 4 |
Burkina Faso | Consulate General | +33 6 12 08 34 13 |
Cameroon | Consulate | +33 4 91 37 10 65 |
Djibouti | Consulate General | +33 4 (+33) 4 |
Egypt | Consulate General | +33 4 91 25 04 04 |
Gabon | Consulate General | +33 4 |
Libya | Consulate General | +33 4 9129 0380 |
Madagascar | Consulate General | +33 4 9115 1691 |
Morocco | Consulate General | +33 4 9150 0296 |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Consulate General | +33 4 91 37 58 02 |
Tunisia | Consulate General | +33 4 91 50 28 68 |
5 diplomatic missionsCentral America and Caribbean
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Dominican Republic | Consulate General | +33 4 91-57 0100 |
Panama | Consulate General | +33 491-900-584 |
19 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Honorary Consulate | +330 642 14 85 58 |
Belgium | Consulate General | +33 4 961 169 55 and +33 6 111 302 21 |
Czech Republic | Honorary Consulate | +33 9 63 40 16 77 |
Denmark | Honorary Consulate | +33 1 8283 1161 |
Finland | Honorary Consulate | +33 663688399, +33 491 377 926 |
Germany | Permanent Representative | |
Greece | Consulate General | +33 491 330 869 |
Iceland | Honorary Consulate | +33 (4) 9611 1155 |
Italy | Consulate | +0033491184918 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +33 491 227 232 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 422 222 62 |
Netherlands | Honorary Consulate | +33 491 256 664 |
Romania | Consulate General | +33 4 912 217 41 |
Russia | Consulate General | +33 4 91 77 15 25 |
Spain | Consulate General | +33 388 32 67 27 |
Sweden | Consulate General | +33 4 91 13 16 31 |
Switzerland | Consulate General | +33 496 10 14 10 |
Turkey | Consulate General | + 33 491 290 020 and + 33 491 290 021 |
United Kingdom | Consulate General | +33 0 4 91 15 72 10 |
Middle East
3 diplomatic missionsNorth America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Mexico | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 9137 3967 |
United States | Consulate General | +33 1 4312 4885 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Marseille?
Marseille currently boasts about 46 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.