Embassies in Lyon
42 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 42 diplomatic missions based in the city of Lyon, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Lyon
7 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Consulate General | +33 4 |
Benin | Consulate General | +33 4 78 71 77 71 |
Burkina Faso | Consulate General | +33 4 72 74 27 50 |
Gabon | Consulate General | +33 4 78623527 |
Morocco | Consulate General | +33 4 7236 9617 and +33 4 7236 3007 |
Seychelles | Consulate General | +33 4 |
Tunisia | Consulate General | +33 4 78 93 42 87 |
6 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Armenia | Consulate General | +33 4 7235 0969 |
Cambodia | Honorary Consul | |
China | Consulate General | +33 4 37 24 83 05 |
Japan | Consular Office | +33 04. 37. 47. 55. 00 |
Pakistan | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 7827 2828 |
Thailand | Honorary Consulate | +33 04 78 37 16 58 |
Central America and Caribbean
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
El Salvador | Consulate General | +33 4 |
21 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 72 74 69 56 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 786 267 38 |
Czech Republic | Honorary Consulate | +334 78 93 37 66 |
Denmark | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 7895 0805 |
Finland | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 724 001 41 |
Germany | Permanent Representative | |
Iceland | Honorary Consulate | +33 (6) 0942 7762 and +33 (4) 3751 1515 |
Ireland | Honorary Consulate | +33 1 44 17 67 81 |
Italy | Consulate General | +0033478930017 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 78 34 09 78 |
Luxembourg | Honorary Consulate | +33 4 78 88 76 70 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +33 478 245 475 |
Netherlands | Business Support Office | |
Poland | Consulate General | +33 1 70 39 10 00 |
Portugal | Embassy | +33 4 78 17 34 40 |
Romania | Consulate General | +33 643 171 454 |
Serbia | Consulate | |
Spain | Consulate General | +33 491 00 32 70 |
Sweden | Consulate | +33 4 37 24 32 95 |
Switzerland | Consulate General | +33 472 75 79 10 |
Turkey | Consulate General | + 33 4 72 83 98 49-50 and + 33 4 72 83 98 40 |
North America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Consulate | +33 (0)9 62 56 59 01 |
Mexico | Honorary Consulate | +33 6 4708 5218 |
United States | Consulate | 33 1 43 12 48 60 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Lyon?
Lyon currently boasts about 42 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.