Embassies in Tallinn
50 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 50 diplomatic missions based in the city of Tallinn, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Tallinn
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Armenia | Consulate | +372 641 86 72 and +372 677 34 24 |
Azerbaijan | Embassy | +372 640 50 50 |
China | Embassy | |
Georgia | Embassy | +372 698 8590 |
India | Consulate | +372 612 9202 |
Indonesia | Honorary Consulate | + 372 6 450 788 |
Japan | Embassy | +372 6310 - 531 |
Kazakhstan | Embassy | +372 631 8252 and +372 662 2926 |
Mongolia | Honorary Consulate | +372 5400 4261 |
South Korea | Honorary Consulate | (+372) 6313781 |
Sri Lanka | Consulate General | +372 640 00 29 |
33 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Embassy | +372 627 87 40 |
Belarus | Consulate General | + 372 651 55 00 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +372 5 021 638 |
Croatia | Consulate | + 372 5081769 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +372 627 44 00 ; +372 627 44 01 |
Denmark | Embassy | +372 6 306 400 |
Finland | Embassy | +372 6103 304, +372 6103 240 |
France | Embassy | + 372 616 16 00 |
Germany | Embassy | +372 627 53 00 |
Greece | Embassy | + 372 6403560 |
Hungary | Embassy | +372 644 0131 |
Iceland | Honorary Consulate | +372 610 9434 and +372 5023 833 |
Ireland | Embassy | +372 6811 888 |
Italy | Embassy | +003726276160 |
Latvia | Embassy | +372 627 78 50 |
Lithuania | Embassy | +372 616 49 91 |
Macedonia | Embassy | |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +372 640 0910, +372 501 9653 |
Moldova | Embassy | +372 64 20 203 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +37 268 055 00 |
Norway | Embassy | + 372 627 1000 |
Poland | Embassy | +372 62 78 201 |
Portugal | Embassy | +372 611 7468 |
Romania | Embassy | +372 715 1610 |
Russia | Embassy | +372 646 4170 |
Slovakia | Consulate | +372 665 9579 |
Slovenia | Consulate General | +37 268 509 50 |
Spain | Consulate General | +372) 667 6651 /2; +372 631 3767 |
Sweden | Embassy | +372 640 56 00 |
Switzerland | Consulate General | +372 52 36 329 |
Turkey | Embassy | + 372 627 28 80 |
Ukraine | Embassy | + 372-60-15-815 and + 372-60-15-835 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +372 667 4700 |
North America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +372 627-3311 / +372 627-3310 |
Mexico | Honorary Consulate | +372 5813 7564 |
United States | Embassy | +372 668 8100 |
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Embassy | +372 6 509 308 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Tallinn?
Tallinn currently boasts about 50 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.