Embassies in Malabo
25 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 25 diplomatic missions based in the city of Malabo, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Malabo
15 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Angola | Embassy | |
Benin | Embassy | +240 222 575 766 |
Cameroon | Embassy | +240 09 23 64 |
Central African Republic | Embassy | +240 82 227 17 61 |
Chad | Embassy | +240 02 6785 3991 and +240 02 7210 5525 |
Côte d'Ivoire | Embassy | +240 555 537 742 and +240 555 537 743 |
Egypt | Embassy | +240 333 096 531 |
Gabon | Embassy | +240 09 31 80 |
Ghana | Embassy | +240 333 098 909 |
Mali | Embassy | +240 09 07 42 |
Morocco | Embassy | +240 333 09 26 50 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +240 09 23 86 |
Republic of the Congo | Embassy | (+240) 222 216 972 |
South Africa | Embassy | +00240 333 099 522/3 |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Consulate General | +240 09-2927 |
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
China | Embassy | |
India | Embassy | +240 222 410 618 |
South Korea | Embassy | (+240) 333-090-775 and (+240) 555-791-803 |
Central America and Caribbean
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Cuba | Embassy | +240-09-9231 |
4 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
France | Embassy | + 224 621 00 00 10 |
Germany | Embassy | +240 333 09 31 17 |
Spain | Embassy | (+240) 333 09 20 20; (+240) 333 09 28 68 |
Switzerland | Consulate General | + 240/222 73 00 87 |
North America
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
United States | Embassy | +240 333 095 741 |
South America
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Brazil | Embassy | +240 333 099 986 and +240 222 054 774 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Malabo?
Malabo currently boasts about 25 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.