Embassies in Kinshasa
50 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 50 diplomatic missions based in the city of Kinshasa, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Kinshasa
21 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | +243 818 803 717 |
Angola | Embassy | +243 12 32415 |
Benin | Embassy | +243-98-128-659 |
Burundi | Embassy | +243 22 2127 007 and +243-822-863682 |
Cameroon | Embassy | +243 (12) 34787 |
Central African Republic | Embassy | +243 (12) 30417 |
Chad | Embassy | +243 12 22 358 and +243 993 802 772 |
Côte d'Ivoire | Embassy | +243-21-028 |
Egypt | Embassy | +243 51 10137 or +243 12 34368 |
Gabon | Embassy | +243 99 931 689 |
Ghana | Embassy | +243 81 700 8795 |
Guinea | Embassy | +243 1 513 459 and +243 847 499 950 |
Kenya | Embassy | +243-815-565935 and +243-815-565936 |
Libya | Embassy | +243 12 34766 and +243 12 33880 |
Morocco | Embassy | +243 8 1700 7089 |
Namibia | Embassy | +243 81 555 9840 and +243 81 555 9841 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +242 06 924 14 07 |
Republic of the Congo | Embassy | (+243) (12) 30220 /(+243) (12) 34028 |
South Africa | Embassy | +243 81 556 6589 |
Togo | Embassy | +243 12 30666 |
Zimbabwe | Embassy | +243 88 03557 |
5 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
China | Embassy | +243 819 973 852 |
India | Embassy | +243 971 000 490 and +243 815 559 770 |
Japan | Embassy | +243 815 554 731 |
Pakistan | Honorary Consulate | +224-13-25545 and +224-13-24388 |
South Korea | Embassy | +243 821 911 712 and +243 818 428 981 |
Central America and Caribbean
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Cuba | Embassy | +243-816-603-995 |
17 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Belgium | Embassy | +243 996 022 100 and +243 819 700 159 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +243 822 557 526 |
Denmark | Consulate General | +243 (88) 41440 |
Finland | Honorary Consulate | +243 999 952 748 |
France | Embassy | +243 815 559 999 |
Germany | Embassy | +242 065 10 01 48 |
Greece | Embassy | + 243 815554941-2 , + 243 900003130 |
Italy | Embassy | +243-815-553651 and +243-815-553652 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +24 399 605 0600 |
Portugal | Embassy | +243 829 779 531 |
Russia | Embassy | +243 0998743 189 |
San Marino | Consulate | +243 814 860 300 |
Serbia | Embassy | +243 97 1594 988 |
Sweden | Embassy | +243 99 930 11 02 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +41 58 4 64 18 01 |
Turkey | Embassy | +242 06 411 3144 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +243 81 556 6200 |
Middle East
2 diplomatic missionsNorth America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +243 996 021 500 |
United States | Embassy | +243 81 556 0151 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Kinshasa?
Kinshasa currently boasts about 50 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.