Embassies in Concepcion

11 Diplomatic mission locations

There are about 11 diplomatic missions based in the city of Concepcion, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.

Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Concepcion


8 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Denmark Honorary Consulate +56 41 224 6472
Finland Honorary Consulate +56 994 448 807, +56 412 246 472
Germany Honorary Consulate +56 41 318 95 32
Hungary Honorary Consulate (+56) (61) 2212-210
Italy Consulate General +56 41 221 5896
Netherlands Honorary Consulate +56 412 739 197, +56 227 569 200
Sweden Consulate +56 41 376 530
Switzerland Consulate +56 41 317 76 71

North America

1 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Mexico Honorary Consulate +56 41 246 2047

South America

2 diplomatic missions
Country Type of diplomatic missions Phone number
Argentina Consulate + 56 41 223 0257 / + 56 41 2521459
Ecuador Consulate General (005641) 748789,795048

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Concepcion?

Concepcion currently boasts about 11 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.