Embassies in Phnom Penh
34 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 34 diplomatic missions based in the city of Phnom Penh, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Phnom Penh
14 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Brunei | Embassy | +855 23 211 457 |
China | Embassy | |
India | Embassy | +855-23 210 912 |
Indonesia | Embassy | + 855 23 217 934 |
Japan | Embassy | +855 23 217 161 and +855 23 217 164 |
Laos | Embassy | +855 2399 7391 |
Malaysia | Embassy | +855 23 216 177 |
Myanmar | Embassy | + 855 23 213664 |
Pakistan | Embassy | +855-23-996 890 and +855-23-996 891 |
Philippines | Embassy | (+855-23) 222-303 and (+855-23) 222-304 |
Singapore | Embassy | +855 23 221 875 |
South Korea | Embassy | +855-23-211-900~3 |
Thailand | Embassy | (855) 23 726 306 - 8 |
Vietnam | Embassy | +855 23 726 274 |
Central America and Caribbean
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Cuba | Embassy | +855 23 213 965 |
15 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Consulate | +855 23 999 001 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +855 12 840 056 and +855 12 824 325 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | +855 20 32 32 40 |
Cyprus | Honorary Consulate | +855 (12) 992 070/+357 96677699 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +855 237 266 23 |
Denmark | Honorary Consulate | +855 9922 6603 |
France | Embassy | + 855 023 260 010 |
Germany | Embassy | +855 23 216 193 |
Netherlands | Honorary Consulate | +57 266 616 63 |
Poland | Embassy | +855 23 217781 |
Russia | Embassy | +855 23 210 931 |
Sweden | Embassy | +855 23 861 700 |
Switzerland | Consulate | +855 23 218 305 |
Turkey | Embassy | +855 23 863 086 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +855 061 3000 11 / 061 3000 12 |
Middle East
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Kuwait | Embassy | +855 23 988 860 and +855 23 981 172 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +855 23 430 811 |
United States | Embassy | (855) 23 728 000 |
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Embassy | +855 23 213 470 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Phnom Penh?
Phnom Penh currently boasts about 34 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.