Embassies in Bujumbura
22 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 22 diplomatic missions based in the city of Bujumbura, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Bujumbura
8 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Embassy | (+257) 22 226 916 |
Egypt | Embassy | +257 22 22 31 61 |
Kenya | Embassy | +257 22 25 81 60 |
Libya | Embassy | +257 22 244 871 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +257 22-258 160; |
Rwanda | Embassy | +257 22 22 87 55 |
South Africa | Embassy | + 257 2224 8220 |
Tanzania | Embassy | +257 22 24 86 33 |
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Belgium | Embassy | +257 22 226 176 and +257 79 925 105 |
Denmark | Honorary Consulate | +257 769 470 and +257 226 099 |
France | Embassy | + 257 22 20 30 00 |
Germany | Embassy | +257 22 25 77 77 |
Greece | Honorary Consulate | + 257 22242532/224551, 78835835 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +25 722 252 055 |
Poland | Consulate | +257 215 070 |
Romania | Honorary Consulate | +257 759 729 52 |
Sweden | Consulate General | +257 24 23 86 |
Switzerland | Consulate General | +41 58 4 62 18 36 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +257 22 24 64 78, + 257 22 25 03 66 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Consulate | +257 22 24 58 98 |
United States | Embassy | +257 22 207 000 |
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
China | Embassy |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Bujumbura?
Bujumbura currently boasts about 22 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.