Embassies in Sofia
104 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 104 diplomatic missions based in the city of Sofia, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Sofia
15 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | (+359) 2 980 2250; (+359) 2 890 2080 |
Angola | Embassy | +359 2 980 22 50 and +359 2 981 02 96 |
Cape Verde | Honorary Consulate | +359 898 643 366 |
Egypt | Embassy | +359 2 988 1509 and + 359 2 987 0215 and + 359 2 987 6468 |
Ghana | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 962 46 79 |
Guinea | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 978 37 00 |
Kenya | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 988 26 52 |
Libya | Embassy | +3592 974 31 56 and +3592 974 35 56 |
Mali | Honorary Consulate | +359 887 715 639 (GSM) |
Mauritius | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 445 00 05 |
Morocco | Embassy | +359 2865 1126 and +359 2 865 1137 |
Seychelles | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 818 70 10 |
South Africa | Embassy | + 359 2 939 50 15 |
Sudan | Embassy | +359 2 971 2937 and +359 2 971 2991 |
Uganda | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 421 76 06 |
21 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Afghanistan | Embassy | +359 2 962 5193 |
Armenia | Embassy | +359 2 946 1272 and +359 2 946 1273 |
Azerbaijan | Embassy | +359 2 817 00 70 |
Bangladesh | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 862 90 36 |
Cambodia | Embassy | +359 2 427 0075 |
China | Embassy | +359 2 973 38 73 and +359 2 973 38 51 |
Georgia | Embassy | +359 2 868 54 04 |
India | Embassy | +359 2 963 5675 |
Indonesia | Embassy | + 359 2 962 5240 and +359 2 962 61 70 |
Japan | Embassy | +359 2 971 2708 |
Kazakhstan | Consulate | +359 2 862 41 52 and +359 2 862 41 55 |
Malaysia | Honorary Consulate | + 359 2 462 72 90 |
Maldives | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 981 25 75 |
Mongolia | Embassy | +359 2 865 90 12 |
North Korea | Embassy | +359 2 975 33 40 and +359 2 974 61 00 |
Pakistan | Embassy | +359 2 971 96 19 |
Philippines | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 963 50 25 |
South Korea | Embassy | +359 2 971 21 81 and +359 2 971 25 36 |
Sri Lanka | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 4401444. |
Thailand | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 960 09 33 |
Vietnam | Embassy | +359 2963 2609 |
Central America and Caribbean
4 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Antigua and Barbuda | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 937 65 38 |
Barbados | Honorary Consulate | + 359 2 851 72 27 |
Cuba | Embassy | +359 2 872 09 96 and +359 2 872 20 14 |
Guatemala | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 983 65 44 |
42 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Albania | Embassy | +359 294 338 57 |
Austria | Embassy | +359 2 932 90 32 |
Belarus | Embassy | +359 2 971 71 31 and +359 2 971 95 28 |
Belgium | Embassy | +359 2 988 72 90 and +359 888 631 931 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Embassy | + 359 2 97 33 775 |
Croatia | Embassy | +359 2 8611 212 and +359 2 943 32 25 |
Cyprus | Embassy | +359 2 961 7730 and +359 2 961 7731 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +359 2 948 68 00 |
Denmark | Embassy | +359 (2) 917 0100 and +359 (2) 980 0830 |
Estonia | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 986 16 61 |
Finland | Embassy | +359 281 021 10 |
France | Embassy | + 359 2 96 51 100 |
Germany | Embassy | +359 2 963 41 01 |
Greece | Embassy | +359 2 843 30 85 and +359 2 84330 86 and +359 2 946 10 30 and +359 2 94340 96 and +359 2 943 34 53 |
Hungary | Embassy | +359 2 963 11 35 and +359 2 963 11 36 |
Iceland | Honorary Consulate | +359 (2 )939 92 27 |
Ireland | Embassy | +359 2 985 34 25 |
Italy | Embassy | +359 2 921 73 00 |
Kosovo | Embassy | +359 2 983 39 99 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 980 93 21 and +359 2 903 34 45 |
Lithuania | Honorary Consulate | +359 888 540 700 |
Luxembourg | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 818 50 75 and +359 2 969 89 42 |
Macedonia | Honorary Consulate | + 359 2 870 15 60 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 8439861 |
Moldova | Embassy | +359 2 935 60 11 |
Monaco | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 930 09 70 |
Montenegro | Embassy | + 359 285 813 78 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +35 928 160 300 |
Norway | Honorary General Consulate | |
Poland | Consulate | +359 2 987 26 10 and +359 2 987 26 60 and +359 2 987 26 70 |
Portugal | Embassy | +359 2 448 41 10 and +359 2 448 41 09 and +359 2 448 01 08 |
Romania | Embassy | +359 2 971 2858 and +359 2 973 30 81 |
Russia | Consular Office | +359 2963 0914 and +359 2963 4458 and +359 2963 1314 and +359 2963 4021 |
Serbia | Embassy | |
Slovakia | Embassy | +359 2 942 92 10 |
Slovenia | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 833 3207 |
Spain | Embassy | +359 2 943 3620; +359) 2 946 3032 /4 |
Sweden | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 417 71 78 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +359 2 942 01 00 |
Turkey | Embassy | +359 2 935 55 00 |
Ukraine | Embassy | +359 2 818 68 28 and + 359-29-55-93-54 and+ 359-28-18-68-27 |
United Kingdom | Consular Office | +359 2933 9222 |
Middle East
12 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Iran | Embassy | +359 2 987 85 46 and +359 2 987 61 73 and +359 2 981 43 48 and +359 2 980 54 51 |
Iraq | Embassy | +359 2 973 33 48 and +359 2 973 38 85 |
Israel | Embassy | +359 2 951 50 44 |
Jordan | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 944 39 35 |
Kuwait | Embassy | +359 2962 5689 and +359 2962 5130 and +359 2962 5209 |
Lebanon | Embassy | +359 2 971 27 34 and +359 2 971 27 23 and +359 2 971 13 14 |
Oman | Permanent Representation | |
Qatar | Embassy | +359 865 01 94 |
Saudi Arabia | Embassy | +359028621058 |
Syria | Embassy | +359 2 962 45 80 and +359 2 962 57 42 |
United Arab Emirates | Embassy | +35929955000 |
Yemen | Embassy | +359 2 870 41 19 and +359 2 974 55 46 and +359 2 974 56 39 |
North America
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Mexico | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 989 47 96 |
United States | Embassy | +359 2 937 5100 |
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 946 13 34 |
South America
7 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Argentina | Embassy | +359 2 971 25 39 and +359 2 971 37 91 and +359 2 971 25 90 |
Brazil | Embassy | +359 2 971 9819 |
Chile | Honorary Consulate | +359 898 345 706 |
Colombia | Consulate General | +359 888 220 005 |
Ecuador | Honorary Consulate | +359 2 915 05 00 |
Uruguay | Honorary Consulate | +359 877 97 73 51 |
Venezuela | Embassy | +359 2 962 6170 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Sofia?
Sofia currently boasts about 104 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.