Embassies in La Paz
46 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 46 diplomatic missions based in the city of La Paz, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in La Paz
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Egypt | Embassy | +591 2-278-6511 and +591 2-291-6642 |
4 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
China | Embassy | |
Japan | Embassy | + 591-2 241-9110 |
South Korea | Embassy | +591-2-211-0361 and +591-7673-3334 |
Thailand | Honorary Consulate | +591 7 728 4199 and + 591 2 214 1502 |
Central America and Caribbean
7 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Costa Rica | Embassy | +591 2-215-3615 |
Cuba | Embassy | +591-2214-5780 and +591-2272-0047 |
Dominican Republic | Honorary Consulate | +591 2 279-6282 and +591 2 277-5727 |
El Salvador | Embassy | +591 2 231-3111 |
Jamaica | Consulate | +591 2 211 2993 |
Nicaragua | Embassy | +591 2 211 5563 |
Panama | Embassy | +591-2-279-7290 |
20 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Austria | Honorary Consulate | +591 2 244 20 94 |
Belgium | Honorary Consulate | +591 2 233 71 96 and +591 2 233 712 33 |
Czech Republic | Honorary Consulate | +591-2-2210112 |
Denmark | Consulate General | +591 (2) 243 2070 |
Finland | Honorary Consulate | +591 706 966 69, +591 221 515 15 |
France | Embassy | + 591 2 214 99 00 |
Germany | Embassy | +591 2 244 00 66 |
Hungary | Consulate General | +591 2 244-0725 |
Italy | Embassy | +0059122125430 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | + 59 122 115 583 |
Netherlands | Honorary Consulate | +591 2277 5770 |
Norway | Consulate General | + 591 2 277 0009 |
Poland | Honorary Consulate | +591 2 2911751 |
Russia | Embassy | +591 2 278 6419 |
Slovakia | Honorary Consulate | +591/ 2/ 2790797 |
Spain | Embassy | +591 2 243 3518; +591 2 243 0118 |
Sweden | Consulate General | +591 2 297 96 30 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +591 2 275 10 01 |
Turkey | Consulate General | +591 (2) 2391341; +591 (2) 2430338 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +591 2 2433424 |
Middle East
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Iran | Embassy | +591 4-239 3333 |
North America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +591 (2) 241-5141 |
Mexico | Embassy | +591 2 277 1871 |
United States | Embassy | +591 2 216 8000 |
1 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Consulate | +591 2 211 5655 |
South America
9 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Argentina | Embassy | +591 2 2417737 / +591 2 2422912 / +591 2 2422913 / +591 2 2422914 / +591 2 2422915 |
Brazil | Embassy | + 591 2 216 6400 |
Chile | Consulate General | +591 2 279 73 31 |
Colombia | Embassy | +591 (2) 279 0386 |
Ecuador | Embassy | +591 2 278 4422 |
Paraguay | Embassy | + 591 2 243 2201 |
Peru | Embassy | +591 (2) 244 1250 |
Uruguay | Embassy | +591 2 2791 482 |
Venezuela | Embassy | +591 2 2788501 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in La Paz?
La Paz currently boasts about 46 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.