Embassies in Buenos Aires
94 Diplomatic mission locations
There are about 94 diplomatic missions based in the city of Buenos Aires, including Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions of various countries.
Map of foreign diplomatic missions in Buenos Aires
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Algeria | Embassy | +54 11 4815 1271; +54 11 4815 5969 |
Angola | Embassy | +54 11 4554 8383 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Embassy | (+54) 11 4896 4963 / (+54) 11 4552 3942 |
Egypt | Embassy | +54 (2) 2428 6800 |
Equatorial Guinea | Consulate General | +54 (11) 4824-7408 |
Libya | Embassy | +54 (11) 4788-3760 / 3745 |
Morocco | Embassy | +54 11 4801 8154 and +54 11 4801 8157 |
Mozambique | Consulate General | +54 11 4503 9414 |
Nigeria | Embassy | +54 (11) 4808-9245; +54 (11) 4807-9445 |
South Africa | Embassy | + 54 11 4317 2900 |
Tunisia | Embassy | +54 11 45442618 |
15 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Armenia | Embassy | +54 11 4816 8710 |
Azerbaijan | Embassy | +5491 14777 3655 |
Bangladesh | Consulate General | +54 11 4804-5279 |
China | Embassy | |
Georgia | Embassy | +54 11 4554-5176 |
India | Embassy | +54 11 439 34001 |
Indonesia | Embassy | + 54 11 4807 2211 |
Japan | Embassy | (+54-11) 4318-8200 |
Malaysia | Embassy | +54 11 4776 0504 |
Pakistan | Embassy | +54 (11) 4775-1294 and +54 (11) 4776-1186 |
Philippines | Embassy | (+54-11) 4554-4015 and (+54-11) 4554-4856 |
South Korea | Embassy | +54-11- 4802-8865 and +54-911- 4141-1450 |
Sri Lanka | Consulate General | +54 11 43726133 |
Thailand | Embassy | (54-11) 4780-0555 and 4783-6412 |
Vietnam | Embassy | + 54 11 478 318 02 |
Central America and Caribbean
11 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Bahamas | Honorary Consulate | +54 11 4328 2697 |
Costa Rica | Embassy | +54 11 2150 7180 |
Cuba | Embassy | +54 11 4782-9049 and +54 11 4782-9149 |
Dominican Republic | Embassy | +54 11 4312-9378 |
El Salvador | Embassy | +54 11 60917230 |
Guatemala | Embassy | +54 11 4313 9180 |
Haiti | Embassy | +54-11-4807-0211 and +54-11-4802-5979 |
Honduras | Embassy | +54 11-5199-7078 and +54 11-5199-7079 |
Jamaica | Honorary Consulate | + 54 11 4331 8787 |
Nicaragua | Embassy | +54 11 48110973 |
Panama | Embassy | +54 11 48111254 |
36 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Albania | Embassy | +541 1480 93574 |
Austria | Embassy | +54 11 4809 5800 |
Belarus | Embassy | +54 (11) 4788-9394 |
Belgium | Embassy | +54 11 431 372 72 and +54 9 1144144589 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Embassy | +54 (11) 4896 0284 |
Bulgaria | Embassy | +54 11 4781 8644 and +54 11 4786 6273 |
Croatia | Embassy | + 54 11 47 77 6409 and + 54 11 47 77 7284 |
Czech Republic | Embassy | +5411 4807 3107 |
Denmark | Embassy | +54 (11) 4312 6901 |
Finland | Embassy | +54 11 4312 0600, +54 911 5177 4312 |
France | Consulate General | + 54 11 4515 7000 |
Germany | Embassy | +54 11 47 78 25 00 |
Greece | Embassy | + 5411 48051100 |
Hungary | Embassy | (+54) 11 4553 4646 |
Iceland | Consulate General | +54 (11) 4793 1282 |
Ireland | Embassy | +54 11 4808 5700 |
Italy | Consulate General | +00541140112100 |
Latvia | Honorary Consulate | +54 11 441 959 02 |
Malta | Honorary Consulate | + 54 11 4312 9152 |
Montenegro | Embassy | +54 11 4816 6701 |
Netherlands | Embassy | +541143 380 050 |
Norway | Embassy | + 54 11 3724 1200 |
Poland | Embassy | +54 11 4808 1700 |
Portugal | Embassy | +54 11 4312-3524 |
Romania | Embassy | +54 11 4326 5888 |
Russia | Embassy | +54 11 4787 0225 |
San Marino | Consulate General | + 54 11 4374 9057 |
Serbia | Embassy | + 5411 4811 2860 |
Slovakia | Embassy | +54 1148013917, +54 1148079451, +54 1148048622 |
Slovenia | Consulate | +54 114 894 0621 |
Spain | Consulate General | +54 11 4809 4900 |
Sweden | Embassy | +54 11 4319 5100 |
Switzerland | Embassy | +54 11 4311 6491 |
Turkey | Embassy | + 54 11 47 85 72 03 and + 54 11 47 88 32 39 |
Ukraine | Embassy | +54 11 4775 3476 |
United Kingdom | Embassy | +54 11 4808-2200 |
Middle East
7 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Iran | Embassy | +54 11 48021470 |
Israel | Embassy | +54 11 3724 4525 and +54 11 3724 4530 |
Kuwait | Embassy | +54 11 3987-9001 |
Lebanon | Embassy | +54 11 4802 0466 and +54 11 4802 4492 |
Saudi Arabia | Embassy | +541148024303 and +541148023375 |
Syria | Consulate General | +54 (11) 4813-2113 ; +54 (11) 4813-543 |
United Arab Emirates | Embassy | +5491147729709 |
North America
3 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Canada | Embassy | +54 (11) 4808-1000 |
Mexico | Embassy | +54 11 4118 8800 |
United States | Embassy | +5411 5777 4533 |
2 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Australia | Embassy | +54 11 4779 3500 |
New Zealand | Embassy | +54 (11) 5070 0700 |
South America
9 diplomatic missionsCountry | Type of diplomatic missions | Phone number |
Bolivia | Embassy | +54 11 4394 1463 |
Brazil | Embassy | +54 11 5246 7400 |
Chile | Embassy | +54 11 4808 8601 |
Colombia | Consulate General | +54 (11) 4325-0258 and +54 (11) 4325-0494 and +54 (11) 4325-1106 |
Ecuador | Embassy | +54 11 4804 0073 |
Paraguay | Embassy | +54 11 4802 3826 |
Peru | Consulate General | +54 (11) 4802 2000 and +54 (11) 4802 2551 |
Uruguay | Embassy | +54 11 6009 5040 |
Venezuela | Embassy | +54 11 41290800 |
Frequently asked questions, answered
How many foreign diplomatic representations are there in Buenos Aires?
Buenos Aires currently boasts about 94 foreign embassies, consulates, and diplomatic representations.